By Jake - 02/10/2012 11:52 - United States - Athens

By Jake - 02/10/2012 11:52 - United States - Athens
By anonymous - 08/01/2015 19:10 - United States - Noblesville
By Madison43097 - 24/09/2009 20:57 - United States
By Anonymous - 31/07/2012 03:36 - United States - Chicago
By avoiding preggers - 17/12/2024 05:00 - United States - San Diego
By Username - 01/05/2011 08:20 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/01/2011 10:19 - United Kingdom
By omgdesdes - 16/11/2014 01:29 - United States - Casselberry
By Anonymous - 18/10/2009 11:15 - United States
By Doritos - 17/06/2010 08:06 - United States
By Confused lesbian - 16/07/2018 13:30 - United States - Lynchburg
13, no need for the correction. The pun was implied.
Yea... Lame comment day for me. Bleh
I guess his girlfriend came over this time instead of him going over to her house and having sex on her sisters bed.
Love lost and found
I read all of those too! I agree.
Hahaha he was aiming for op's laptop ;)
"Come at me bro" to a whole new level..
71- thanks for the advice. I'll keep it in mind. I was sleepy when I was writing it and deleted it 3 times and just couldn't get it to a place I liked it so I settled. I am not happy with the end result either. I'm gonna thumb myself down too.
Rude awakening :-/
you sleep in the same room while hes having sex with his girlfriend? lol
...roomie comes in while op is asleep, ***** girlfriend. I mean come on.
98- Since 64 replied to 3, I interpreted the comment as 64 finding some sort of implication in "rude awakening", meaning I thought 64 believed the same situation (in the story) had happened to 3. Now that I've reread this thread, I realize 64 was actually thread jacking instead of replying, and thus I interpreted the comment incorrectly. Woops.
Lovely roommate you have there. Go over to him, drop it back onto his face, and say: "I believe this is yours."
The effect would be multiplied ten-fold if you emptied it onto his face. Wear a glove.
Actually ductape it to his face
Family guy rocks. Well it's okay, some episodes suck.
90-you're right. That made it infinitely better.
I say he ought to pour in on the arse hole
A friend of mine did this once... but the dog ate it. Needless to say, his mother wasnt very happy when she took the dog for a walk the next morning...
hey this was on the radio the other day
So you actually share a room with your room mate and they had sex with you asleep in the room? Wow I would find another room mate!
No that's called nasty I'm in college and I have a roommate but we have enough decency not to screw our significant other if someone else is present. So don't assume that people only do filthy things like that in certain settings, because it's not true.
we have a couch in our dorm, so when one of us is *******, the other sleeps on that. or, at my boyfriends room, his roommate just turns the music up really loud in the next room.
I know what college is and I have 20 years in the military. I have shared a room but I never had sex while my room mate was sleeping. That's just wrong and that's my opinion
You punched him in the crotch, right? Shoved the condom down his throat, right? Wagged your finger in his face and scolded him for not putting refuse in its proper receptacle, right?
Well at least your pillowcase isn't dirty. As for payback get him an pentagram necklace or throw him a brick.
I guess you didn't see that one coming... I'm sorry, I had to.
Lovely roommate you have there. Go over to him, drop it back onto his face, and say: "I believe this is yours."