By Anonymous - 08/05/2012 14:00 - Canada - Toronto
Same thing different taste
By hard_headed - 10/09/2010 10:02 - United States
By Icci - 12/12/2009 22:54 - United States
Head, meet wall
By Anonymous - 18/09/2019 20:00
Thanks a bunch
By nose hurts - 30/12/2012 01:01 - United States - Richmond
By Soap0015 - 16/08/2012 09:57 - United States
By iltdtsm - 15/08/2009 16:58 - Canada
By dan - 09/05/2012 20:10 - United States - Laurel
By myheadhurts - 12/11/2013 02:14 - Canada - Vancouver
By Anonymous - 14/03/2011 04:49 - United States
By crossfitter - 21/05/2015 12:22
Top comments
Wow that is some bad luck there. FYL. I hope you banned her from the pool. Maybe you should push her in next time.
21- FearShrine literally said nothing that could count as attacking 1. Giving a hypothetical situation is all they did. There was no cursing or name-calling whatsoever. In fact, the only person I see over dramatizing a comment is you. Defending someone for making a stupid comment will make you look stupid aswell. Think about that next time.
You dont make sense.
Neither do you.
You are a baby. Have a sense of humor troll
She deserves a lot more then just a push in a pool. Head injuries are no joke. Especially when he might even have a stuff neck. With his job he could be out for awhile. He kinda needs to be able to move about and whatnot. OP ban her for life. It's careless behavior and assault in away. Hope you aren't to banged up OP.
I have a funny feeling that woman is going to have an accident soon. Either karma or you is going to make it happen.
Karma? A little too much reddit, eh?
No, more like the supernatural belief of events being balanced with opposite events to make it neutral.
What's karma have to do with reddit? I don't even go on reddit, yet I understand the sayings such as "Karma's a bitch" and "Karma will get them back"
Ha I know, I was just shooting for a joke. I understand what karma is. Accept my apologies for the poorly delivered joke. We all have off days.
When does the narwhal bacon?
44- At midnight, of course.
I have actually developed a mathematical and alphabetical formula for finding out the answer to when the narwhal bacons. One sec.
Okay, to find the answer we take the first letters of each word of the phrase and count the number they are in the alphabet like this: •W - 23 •D - 4 •T - 20 •N - 14 •B - 2 If we add them all up we get 63. We then find the mean which is 12.6. If we count 12 times into the alphabet we the letter "L". So now we have 12L which means 12 o'clock at "low" sun. So therefore Midnight.
But... Aren't you supposed to round up...?
#58 - NO! You only take the numbers in front of the decimal point, I've worked too hard on this.
That's brilliant.
Or both.
I know who op won't be saving if they're drowning !
Karmas a b*tch so feel better and it'll get her :)
Sure! Ha
It's times like these I'll bet you wish you had a different
I'm pretty sure this isn't a frequent event for lifeguards
A spine-board is used for supporting and correcting your spine, neck and head's position. So when OP got a concussion from it, it makes it ironic.
#50 - The pleasure is all mine.
But it's not really ironic to be hit with one and suffer injuries. Spine-boards are heavy duty, they should be expected to hurt when they fall. If op were strapped in to prevent further injury but got her neck injured because she was in one, that's starting somewhere.
What'll be REAL ironic is when one of them are drowning and you won't save the douchebags
Did you not think to get out of the way?
Do you have eyes in the back of your head? No? Neither does OP
It would be pretty easy to hear -.-
It was behind him
Do you always hear the thing that was behind you? I sure hope not. Because if I do, I'm sure I'll scare myself shitless three quarters of the time. It's like the makings of a horror film.
I don't know OP personally, but I'm pretty sure they aren't psychic :1
As its said here in Norway. "when a door closes, another one opens" You could always try and do something new in the "spare time" if you got a sick leave because of the accident :) So try and make the most out of it!:) But sure sounds like it hurts. And of you're lucky, you will soon be back at work if you really like it there. Yeah, I know. A lot of assuming^^" Fyl
I don't think any doors closed here, he'll just have a stiff neck for a few days.
Whats a spine-board?
A heavy piece of wood that hides a magical genie.
it's the board that they use to carry people out of the pool who are injured. It's called that because it's their to stop (hopefully) you from getting a spinal injury.
Great way to remember how to strap someone in a backboard. Nipples, nuts, knees.
A spine board is used for rapid extrication of an unconscious guest or for when a suspected spinal injury is present. In the case of a suspected spinal, you strap them down, maintain alignment, and place head stabilizers. As lifeguards we have less then 3 minutes from start to finish to get the fully stabilized and 6 feet away from the pool.

I have a funny feeling that woman is going to have an accident soon. Either karma or you is going to make it happen.
I know who op won't be saving if they're drowning !