By wurtabang - 09/02/2010 05:27 - United States

Today, I was at one of the urinals in a bathroom. A chubby kid goes to the urinal next to mine and starts peeing violently. Apparently, he was peeing so violently that it splashed onto my legs the whole time. I've picked the wrong day to wear shorts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 460
You deserved it 3 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you would rather have his nasty peepee all over your pants then?

zombzomb 0

what does him being chubby have anything to do with it?


...There's a freaking snowpocolypse here on the east coast right now. Why WERE you wearing shorts in the first place? o__O

mc1900 4

what do you mean a bad day for shorts- easy to quickly wash your legs- hard to quickly wash urine covered pants

mc1900 4

haha just reread and noticed that you specifically described the kid as chubby. as if that means he has a bigger bladder or something

purplemnm 9

that's better than ******** furiously

purplemnm 9

they're the same, I accidently double posted lol

purplemnm 9

At least he wasn't ******** furiously.

I lmfao'ed @ "peeing violently!" You win! picked the RIGHT day to wear shorts...think about it, you can easily wash it off...if you were wearing trousers, you'd have pee-soaked legs that'd stink all day xD Either way, FYL

Anyway, you aren't supossed to stand directly next to someone. All men and boys know that.

What relevance does his being "chubby" have to do with anything? The OP is an asshole.

secretgarden101 0

Obvious troll is obvious. Anyone who believes this one is an idiot.