By wurtabang - 09/02/2010 05:27 - United States

Today, I was at one of the urinals in a bathroom. A chubby kid goes to the urinal next to mine and starts peeing violently. Apparently, he was peeing so violently that it splashed onto my legs the whole time. I've picked the wrong day to wear shorts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 460
You deserved it 3 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you would rather have his nasty peepee all over your pants then?

zombzomb 0

what does him being chubby have anything to do with it?


why on earth did you waring shorts? it was snowing and freezing in Virginia right now.

sucks that you got peed on but wtf does that kid being chubby have to do with anything?? and why the hell were you wearing shorts to begin with? it's the middle of freakin' winter.

radcon6 2

doesnt he know the urinal buddies rule? he needs a lesson on it i guess

lmao.... okay... I LIVE in Virginia and this was like what? Yesterday? Okay.. uhm most of Viriginia is under 3 feet of snow by now? What the **** were you doing wearing shorts in the first place?

it doesn't have to be today, that's just a requirement of the site. It could have been during the summer.

1. You switched verb tenses halfway through which really annoys me. 2. Why the hell does it matter if the kid is chubby? Do you think they pee harder or something?

"There ARE these amazing things..." Not "there's."

bfffness 0

hahaha racehorse... you should have beat his ass.

epound28 0

Everyone's saying that "it's so much easier with shorts cause you can wipe it off" but he said "the whole time," which meant that he was there for some duration of time. During this duration, the pee must have been flowing down into his socks/shoes. Idk about you, but i dont wanna be squishing around in some kid's piss all day -- nor would I want to be wearing pants either. In conclusion, FYL OP. Mine's better.

starburgerdeluxe 0

LMFAO this is a funny FML and the comments r hilarious!