By furball - 15/06/2014 20:01 - Inchture

Today, I was at Sea World and was about to take a picture of the big walrus. I noticed my phone was still set to use the front camera, and I muttered "Oops, selfie mode." A guy next to me turned, looked at me, and said "Not like there's a difference for you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 270
You deserved it 9 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn OP...I have some aloe for that burn.

You do not insult random people in public like that. You just don't! **** humanity.


You should have looked him right in the eye and quoted Eric Cartman "You better shut up or I'll kick you right in the nuts right square in the nuts" or you know bitch slap his rude ass.

Anyone else remember seeing this one on iFunny?

******* ouch thats gotta be the best burn ive heard all year