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By traumatized - 18/06/2009 05:26 - United States

Today, I was at the mall with some friends. In the food court we passed by this creepy pervert feeling up a woman. I take a closer look and realize with horror that the guy is my dad in sunglasses and a hat. The lady he was with was not my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 232
You deserved it 3 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stephai 0

The hell? You should tell your mom about this... or black mail daddy.

myfishisBOBA 0

FYL for having a creepy pervert for a father. Did he see you? 0.o


I hope you took a pic and showed your mom. Your dad is a. . .

I'm with #28. How is your father "creepy?" He seems at worst, a bit horny. Maybe your mother doesn't please him anymore... maybe he doesn't please her. Maybe, they ave an agreement. Just because people are married, doesn't mean they can't be polyamorous. Why must someone be a pervert, if what he is doing is welcomed? If the lady he was with didn't storm off, he has done nothing wrong than possibly betray your mother's trust. Until you know, don't judge. You are in no position to judge others, especially your elders.

Eddyoftheabc 0

The... flip...? It is perfectly alright to do whatever to a person you find attractive, if A) you both are okay with it, and B) YOU DON'T DO IT IN A PUBLIC PLACE!!!!!!! And furthermore, even if there was an agreement between mother and father (which the perversity of can be argued over) then certainly the daughter would also be informed of such a thing. If the kid's old enough to go to the mall with friends, then OP should have been told that her father had a new whatever partner. It may not seem like her business, but it is her dad. If he didn't tell his daughter, then I doubt he told his wife. OP, FYL.

Also, there's nothing wrong with being a pervert. And I think that if this is a betrayal, it is of the wife, not the daughter. She can be shocked/disgusted for all she wants, but he has no obligation to her in this department.

blkwhtrbbt 0

ummm the problem is he's MARRIED. and has a kid. you don't go fondling other women. that's asking for divorce. you think op wants that? open your own mind before passing that advice to others. there are some things you shouldn't open to. infidelity in relatioships , lying to the family and betraying people are some examples, all og which op's dad has done.

#35 You are a complete idiot. Stop spreading your stupidity, please.

DamnAshleyyy 0

Ugh ew tell your mom!! or black mail your dad And what is wrong with you #35? you're basically saying, "you're dad cheating on your mom is perfectly fine!"

blkwhtrbbt 0
starstrukk18 0

aww! tell yourr mom, but get proof!

Tell your dad that he has 24 hours to confess to your mom...or that you'll tell her yourself. Even if they have an agreement, he should at least be discreet!

blackmail. Blackmail. Blackmail! BLACKMAIL!!!!!!!!!!

"sunglasses and a hat" -- you watch too much TV. I'm going to file this bullshit under: desperate internet cry for attention from strangers.

PyroMicky 0

Is his birthday coming soon? Get him a fake mustache!

I would've called him while watching him, then ask: dad, what are you doing? Then when he tells you some story say: i see you. Then blackmail him for a new iphone :D

And THEN tell your mom. I mean, he deserves it big time :D