By Anonymous - 25/09/2011 19:18 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Pokemon problems - 23/10/2012 22:00 - Canada - Toronto
On the down low
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Montreal
Chill out, man!
By Marcowalker95 - 07/08/2012 04:16 - United States - Panorama City
By Anonymous - 08/07/2012 21:03 - United States - Marinette
By MDoremis - 24/02/2015 04:58 - United States - Honolulu
By Garchomp - 09/07/2013 02:08 - United States - Dodge City
By Noname - 18/01/2009 10:24 - United States
By pissed off mother - 05/05/2016 17:55 - United Kingdom - Leeds
You tried
By well okay then - 10/09/2012 04:39 - United States
By snorlax - 20/01/2010 00:03 - United States
Top comments
I wouldve walked right up and said how much is this game?

OP Should buy games online from now on
i think he should find out when that cashiers shifts are and ask about the same pokemon game everytime hes on shift
Ydi for being embarassed about liking Pokemon.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayTeam plasma? Wtf happened to team rocket?!? O.o Shows how long it's been since I've played pokemon....
I'm 16 and still love to play pokemon for nostalgia. it reminds me of the fml about the kid who dreamt that he caught a shiny charmander (impossible as there are no wild charmander
You could have just pretended it was for a younger sibling or your kid.
That's why you have no friends
Who care what the **** a cashier at Gamestop thinks. He's a cashier at Gamestop.
YDI for not complaining to their boss, saying how it lost/almost lost them a sale.
2- All games at Gamestop have the price right on the cover. Derp.
The pokemon games are the best games eer to be created for a gameboy
You should have gone up there, and while buying it, say SQUIRTLE!! and spit on the cashier.

All you pokemon lovers need to grow the hell up.
268- no we don't, you need to quit trolling the internet
264- At least at all the Gamestops I've gone to have the price slapped right on the upper righthand corner of every single game case. I don't know what store you've gone to, but it wasn't like the ones I've gone to. Maybe they're just cheaper and not as well managed? Idk.
OP live by this creed cause I do: **** the World and Enjoy it :D
#2 if your thumbs up were Spartans you could fight off the Persians...just saying
Pokémon shall live forever*! *Until humanity dies out
I'm confused about this massive positive response to Pokemon. Where I come from, it's made fun of, not worshipped.
That is historically incorrect. The 300 Spartans were known for their bravery in that battle, not for actually winning it. All of them died.
57 - Pokemon Veteran hahaha I feel old without being old :P
The only time this is acceptable is if the cashier is hot. Otherwise, Man up.
268 was a deprived child. Go back to your YU-GI-OH you blubbering ****.
Wrong game, darling lol
I agree very unprofessional
I reckon, FYL! the clerk at the video game store is a jaded loser who can't embrace their inner kid... Yet at the same time aren't mature enough for a ******* clerk job... the FYL part only stands because the poor customer service and lack of maturity the clerk displayed caused you to leave without a game you would quite obviously enjoy...
If I were u I would hav stayed in line and sung "gotta catch em all" loudly with passion
Would have been a great opportunity to handle it like a baws OP. Too bad you bitched out.
On the contrary I was not at all deprived I spent my childhood building show cars not playing stupid little card games.
I could understand the embarrassment if you were into Digimon, but Pokemon? No way.
Damn I meant to thumb down -_- it's harder to thumb down with my itouch
I meant tht for 501
Anyone else miss the good days when you would wake up at 7 on Saturdays just to watch the old Pokemon show? It was pretty dope.
haha I'm 19 and I fkn love pokemon xD maybe i don't play it like indid when inwas a kid but it's perfect when bored or during a long ride :p
Omg look at all the likes! Thanks guys/girls lol
I Sinnoh problem with this. Hoenn the rite mind hates Pokémon? Unova game is pretty good. I Kanto wait for the next one. Johto it's good, you can't deny it! :)
My purchase of Alice: MR, Dead Space 2, and White version got strange looks. :-/
wait if they are no wild charmanders wtf did I just put in my pokeball?!?!
Today, after reading all the supportive comments on FML, I succumbed to peer pressure and pussied out of posting an anti-pokemon comment. FML
Brock can't see for shit!
Can I squirtle on your jigglypuffs?
-Cause girl, you make my metapod harden
Shiny Charmanders! O.o
that moment when you pick up the game after not playing it for months and you battle your rival and find out you named him D BAG
i have been playing pokemon since the original gameboy. :)
Lol your my hero pokemon is freaking epic
I agree lol I like the 10th movie :)
Pokemon rocks, and Brock's a rock pokemon trainer. A coincidence or a really awesome pun? The world may never know...
that cashier is a doouch
Agreed! Idc what others say! :)
#3 so does my little pony friendship is magic, speaking of which any brines here???
*bronies* iPod auto correct
#166 the monsters are getting more and more exotic till the extend that they look almost the same.
Wow, really angry Pokemon hate and awful assumptions about others. I have a boyfriend and we both play Pokemon. When I'm over 17, I don't want to meet up with my friends over lunch so I can have a bitchfest about all of the energetic or gaming activities younger people do. I wanna meet up by going to the movies, water bomb fights, game sessions, laser tag fights and bloody paintball. Grow down, stop being such snobs.
Hey, #377 it's called not giving a shit how old you are and still loving what you loved as a kid, no matter what. I grew up on Pokemon. I even had a stuffed Pikachu that jumped around if you pulled its tail when I was two. Maybe you need to grow down and stop acting like a snob.
I thumbed up by mistake :(
386- *brohoof* /)(
No, you're 15
I like zaptos
Magikarp all the way...
If he declines, I'm the next pokemon loving guy in line :)
I've always viewed it as a kissing face. I'm probably wrong though. Google it.
It's a Cat I think.
Actually, it's one of those Japanese "kawaii" faces.
Its a kitty cat
I thought it was a guy sucking ****
pokemon rules, pikatchu
7&8- There is no 't' in Pikachu.
I would thumb that up, but you spelled Pikachu wrong. You're now dead to me.
261 I'll put u in a poke ball
I got the new pokemon game lol
Surprisingly, the game(s) (Black or White Version) actually gets challenging at the end. No spoilers. Hehe.
How old are you?
Stfu bitch pokémon is for pros of all ages.
haterz be hatin
Either way, she is definitely not attractive.
342: Do you whack of to your hand?
Way to be judgemental ladylexi. ******* hypocrite, I read your profile, and it has hypocriticism all over it. Explain please.
You can't catch em all with the game on the shelf! Forget about your pride, get back in there, and start throwing those poke balls.
**** pokeballs, get masterballs
Try catching a level 70+ Pokémon with Ultra Balls. It sucks, well, ultra balls. You'll get it in one try or 23784683 tries, depending on how lucky you are. :( |the kid|
I've caught a Mewtwo in Pokemon Yellow with a Great Ball. Granted, my Blastoise froze it with Blizzard, but the odds are still not bad ;D

I wouldve walked right up and said how much is this game?
Pokemon rocks!