By fmlatmovies - 25/07/2009 15:07 - United States
fmlatmovies tells us more.
actually all you haters out there, i didn't have enough room to put my response! i actually turned to her and told her to **** off and to take her annoying fat ass out of the theater because she was blocking the view for everyone and no one could hear the movie over her irritating voice that makes people want to dropkick babies! that shut her up for the rest of the movie.
Top comments
Don't just stand there. FIGHT BACK!!!!
Were you seeing a funny movie maybe? OP: that really sucks for you, though
Wow, you guys should come to the Netherlands is you want to watch a movie! I can honestly say that I've never ever experienced something like this.
Ok I have to comment because I've worked at two different theaters for about three years. Throwing food/drink items at someone who is being obnoxious is NOT ok. Not only are you creating a huge mess for the ushers who have to clean it up but often if it is a liquid we have to put the seat that person was sitting in out of commission until it can dry out, which costs us money it ticket revenue. If we don't make the expected amount in ticket sales then our hours get cut the next week to make up for it. Also being a bitch in return to the customer who started it gets you no where because when you bring it up to an usher or manager you both could get kicked out. Please think of the other people you effect when you are being obnoxious in return, including the theater employee's, the other customers (the ones not involved in your debacle) and especially children of the youngest variety (impressionable minds and all.) If you are having issues there are a few things you should do so that we can help you to the best of our ability. 1. Ask the person Politely to cease whatever the activity is that is annoying you (talking loudly, texting, talking on their phone ect.) The biggest point to remember is be polite! 2. If they don't cease said activity and it is interrupting your experience leave the auditorium and find the nearest employee and ask for a manager. 3. Explain to the manager what the other customer is doing that is an interruption to your movie viewing experience and once again be polite and let them know that you have already asked them once to cease whatever they were doing. 4. The Manager should go with you and see if the person has stopped what they are doing, if they haven't then the manager should ask them to stop. 5. This can be frustrating but if they continue to do the same thing ask for a manager again and the manager will have to ask the person to leave. They may or may not do this on the first try but this is protocol at the theater I currently work at. At the last one I worked at an usher could ask people to leave. 6. If you still aren't satisfied or do not wish to wait for someone to be removed and are polite about it we may be more than willing to (if explained the situation) refund you your tickets or give you a raincheck for another movie. If you are rude or make a big stink we may refund you your tickets to get you out of there but someone who isn't so nice might just tell you to leave along with the person who was pissing you off in the first place. Remember We WANT you to enjoy your movie experience so that you will return again in the future! Also if you wait the entire time and say something after the movie is over, I'm sorry there is nothing we can do to help you then.
Wow, you really take your job seriously, huh?
No not really I am just tired of people being jerks (but that's life) when we want to help you out. In fact a lot of us get a really big kick out of kicking people out of the theater. Highlight of our day kinda stuff, but even we have to follow a certain protocol to avoid getting in trouble. People don't realize any more that they don't have to be assholes to get service or just get stuff done. You are paying 8+ dollars for a movie you should at least know how to get those that obnoxious lil twits out of there without being kicked out yourself or being the obnoxious one ( like the soda throwing).
what a bitch. slap her for me.
It's okay. She's going to go to the special Hell. The one reserved for child molesters, and people who talk in the theater.
Watch Firefly much?
This sort of thing happened to me once. I was at the movies with a bunch of mates, and these people in front were talking like crazy. I whispered to my friend to pass the popcorn, and the guy in front of my started going off, so I threw popcorn and lollies dipped in coke at him for the rest of the movie.
**** those people...find where that person lives and destroy all their possesions
Oh. Sorry bout your luck dude. I hate those people...
Should have said "Well how rude. I was just about to give out our mystery prize of $100,000 to a random guest in tonight's theatre, guess it won't be you"