By Rachel - 10/06/2011 09:57 - United States

Today, I was at the park with my daughter. She walked up to a boy at the swings, held her hand out, and said, "Hi I'm Vanessa, and someday you'll be working for me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 971
You deserved it 13 496

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adropofpeace 8

Well, someone knows what she wants in life.


How is this an FML? Your daughter is confident and seems to have a big dream for herself. Sounds good to me.

How is this an FML. I think it's awesome.

reapermancody 2

no doubt about it. she's already a bad ass!

How is this an FML? Your daughter is showing confidence. Stop being a shitty parent and be proud of your child. I know people who live in Alabama aren't always the smartest. I hope you can comprehend what I'm saying.

lmaoatall 6

think your daughter posted an fml not to long ago. something about a lemonaide stand, her workers were pocketing some of the profits. she kicked their asses and fired may want to keep a closer eye on her for now on.

JennaMarie420 2

atta girl, so young yet so determined. you should be proud instead of worried about it

TylersMB 0

bahaha! omg thats a win for your daughter. shes amazing xD

shad72 0

ur daughter is thinking ahead.... bog time lol