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By anonymous - 12/08/2010 04:31 - United States

Today, the girl who tormented my life for nine years was hired at my part-time job. We're assigned to work together on a three-month-long project which will involve tons of communication. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 784
You deserved it 3 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The only way your ever going to put that torment behind you is to be the bigger person and just do your job. Don't be nice or social with her. Just be professional and curt. If that pisses her off so she makes a big scene well thats all the sweeter. ;-) And if she continues to torment you then hello HR complaint time.

singer4life666 0

Why don't you be polite and see how she responds. If she's a bitch still, then just punch her in the throat. Simple.


mona_is_here 10

this seems like a perfect plot for some movie

she tormented you for nine years? What the **** happened to your BALLS!

xFalzz 0

Silly #12! Women don't have balls.

nothin to say but ahahahahaaaaa ha haha. HA. Ha ha..... ahha. ha. done. good luck there. there's no YDI here unless you did somthing to cause the tormentaion (is that a word?) upon your self.

NightKiller 0

it's funny because you have to work with someone you hate

A person can only get you as down as you let them. Grow a backbone and get on with your life. Or shoot him. Which ever is best.

legonut, where's the moistness here? i'll be heartbroken if you don't point it out!

sounds like time for sweet payback op. may I suggest either burning said tormentor's house? of course i take no part if it actually happens 0.o

mebecatie 0

good luck with that!!! lol oooohhhh how about REVENGE.! >;D

seems like a good time to exact your revenge

oh boo hoo op, I was tormented for 7 years from kindergarden to 6th, and not by one person but by the entire school. it was a private school of about 300 or so people, and every grade I'd stat with the same people who tormented me. Get over it, I did. Oh FYI, one of the guys who tormented me is a pot head now, so find something that makes you feel better, karma is always a bitch

72, not to be mean, but what you're saying is: "i used to be a ******* ****** and everyone used to hate me. but now they do drugs! i win!" is that even remotely close to what you mean? feel free to correct me if i'm mistaken.

sounds like you still feel sorry for yourself 72

Same situation- tortured through out grammar school by one bitch. I'm forty and it still gets to me. Nothing felt as good as the day I finally stood up to her. you were on the job first- get tough, stand up for yourself and don't let her continue. girls get be nasty to each other.

so you pretty much got shanked by a penis.....

#1 youre a tool. Bad luck OP, try work it out, or try get her fired :)

yashack 0

put on some big girl panties and kick that bitches ass

IchiDork 4

Yes, #2, exactly what I was thinking. Listen here, OP, the only way to stop that monster is to scissor her. Trust me.

twinny_sc 13

69, Did they take an unexplained dive off a cliff?

The only way your ever going to put that torment behind you is to be the bigger person and just do your job. Don't be nice or social with her. Just be professional and curt. If that pisses her off so she makes a big scene well thats all the sweeter. ;-) And if she continues to torment you then hello HR complaint time.

singer4life666 0

Why don't you be polite and see how she responds. If she's a bitch still, then just punch her in the throat. Simple.


good luck.....why don't u make up nd b friends again

Because this girl tormented her for 9 years?!? Read the FML...

Stoddards_rock1 0

Good Time To Get Some Revenge Ey? But Damn Why'd You Let Her Torment You For 9 Year's?

I will never understand capitalizing the first letter of every word D;

you didn't finish what you were gonna say. 9 year's what? i'm curious as to see about which possession of 9 years you are talking.