By caswell 1 - 28/02/2009 05:03 - United States

Today, I was at the school's rec center, working out for the first time in a while. While there, there was this very mysteriously attractive girl who kept shooting me glances. I asked for her number and she responded by saying "if you can lift this same weight as me". I couldn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 547
You deserved it 13 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We have a woman in our gym who used to compete in the Ms. Olympia. She's hot as hell, has great legs, and can still lift more than half the dudes in the gym. Take the girl's advice, OP, and show her how hard you're working out. Maybe something good will happen some day.


People are getting weaker every generation...sad

@41 really now? I am definitely in the younger generation and I can bench 240. think ahead before you issue a universal statement like that cause chance are it's probably wrong.

calibudgirl 0

at least she didnt whip out a dick

redsox4021 0

never ask a woman out if your not strong enough to beat her into making a samich

bethannieannie 0

she could have been setting you an impossible goal for a laugh....i do that all the time sometimes i just get so annoyed with guys not leaving me alone i come up with creative reasons to say "no"

**** you damn feminazi go crawl back into your cave

You have got to be kidding must be a scrawny little something

metal8214 0

haha embarrassment majorly... GO DUCKS