By StupidApple - 25/05/2011 00:02

Today, I found out that whenever I send my son to his room, he goes on his iPod and buys the most expensive apps he can find. So far I've been charged $600. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 858
You deserved it 53 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well take his ipod and don't give him any money till the 600$ are paid off. Can parents not raise their children anymore, that's just sad.

cdawg145236 1

your lucky he hasn't found the $999.99 apps yet


cdawg145236 1

your lucky he hasn't found the $999.99 apps yet

iSitt 0

AppStore needs to let you put a Max limit

armorf0r 7

why the hell was there a credit card tied to the kids iPod anyway??

1, I beg to differ; they actually approved an app called "I'm Rich", where a person pays 999.99 for a LED jewel. 7 people bought it before it was taken down, smfh.

iTunes won't work without a valid credit card. hence why there's a card for his account.

Matty1188 6

Actually, OP could get him a gift card with a set amount. I don't use credit cards and that's how I pay for my apps.

the most expensive apps ive seen are "ira pro" 899.99 and "ivip black" i think that was 999.99 but the i am rich app cost just 9.99 now

42.. iTunes works without even making an account, you just can't buy anything from the store.

DeadxManxWalking 27

somehow I bypassed that section without putting in a credit card.

juicedboi 7

Time to make a useless app that costs $999.99 and name it "Get Back At Mummy In Style!".

skyeyez9 24

Because his mom is raising a spoiled brat and can't say "No."

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha when he finds those apps u all r talking about that is goin to b funny, today my son found apps that cost 99.99 and 89.99. when I send him to his room he buys them. 

use gift cards for your iTunes... it's what I do, it helps

PurpleRae420 0

Yah he shouldn't have the credit card tied to his ipod YDI for letting him have it and cause you grief over something that could've been avoided!

Why buy apps for iPod/iPhone/iPad when you can get them for free by jailbreaking? It's not that hard. The son's an idiot; if i were him, I'd do some heavy damage by buying tons of microsoft points for my xbox or downloadable content for a PS3.

21- there is an ap for 999.99 if I can recall it is an ap that lets you tap into security cameras

You can get a refund for apps, and maybe put restrictions on next time?

teenager34 0

65 - yeh me too, I clicked the "none" option on the credit card section

42 u can get free account without any credit card duhh

ydnar 5

I find it funny because he hasn't found those apps yet. how hard is it to google "most expensive app" ?

OP could use parental controls and turn the App Store off. That's why she deserves it. She also deserves it for raising a spoiled brat.

LexxyLiime 0

42, just YouTube "How to make an iTunes account without a credit card." it worked for me..

awardZu 0

Ipod, meet blow torch. Son's ass, meet belt. Parents need to start using the same discipline we got growing up. When my girl screws up, she gets a spanking or holds a penny against the wall with her forehead (a technique I learned here). Discipline isn't abuse, don't be a pussy.

well OP should've jailbreak her sons ipod ;)

tittymagic 0

you have to have one or else you can't download

forgettingsunday 0

208-i dont get how jailbreaking the kids ipod is gonna do shit. my ipod is jailbroken, all it does is give you themes and other things apple wont. it wouldnt have been able to prevent the kid buying $600 worth of apps.

um dipshit have you not heard of installous

HarrietPotter239 0

6- My parents have their credit card tied to my iPod, but I can only get free apps.

The Apple store doesn't do refunds on app purchases

I aint sayin he a gold digga, but He aint messin with those broke niggas

JacksonCampbell 9

Yeah there's this one app called "I am rich" and it's $999.99 and it does absolutely nothing but prove you're rich. by the way, you can refund app purchases.

not really spoiled because his mom didn't let him to buy them and she found out later. he gets sent to his room also gets sent to his room hence " WHENEVER I send my son to his room" I just don't see how he is spoiled.

Volcano47 0

there was a similar one i wanted rich that was free and then raised to $100,000 before is disappeared

YDI for not taking away his phone. Or, better yet, get him one that doesn't do anything but make phone calls. He clearly doesn't deserve more than that.

actually you can click 'no credit card' when u sign up. when just buy iTunes gift cards

Actually, it does work without a credit card. You just can't buy anything unless you have gift cards, which (as this boy is a child) makes much more sense than adding your credit card to your child's account.

Well take his ipod and don't give him any money till the 600$ are paid off. Can parents not raise their children anymore, that's just sad.

Takador 3

agree with #3 If your GROUNDING your son take AWAY his stuff -.-

Well said. Take the damn thing off him. Not hard to resolve this situation. YDI for not teaching your son discipline.

Well said. Take the damn thing off him. Not hard to resolve this situation. YDI for not teaching your son discipline.

maddieking 2

that's so true. how hard is it to actually discipline your kid. he will be a better person for it

jennifer93 0

yeah seriously...make him get a job to pay you back...that is just ridiculous

I say he should just sell the stupid iPod and then make his son figure out a way to pay him back the $600 but he should add another $100 on to teach the boy a lesson.

Agree. If that was my son he'd be working all summer around the house until he paid you back. You got owned by your 8 year old son, pathetic.

when I was sent to my room the power was cut. :( just flipped off the breaker

The iPod has got to be worth a few hundred of that if you sell it.

CSRozell 4

agreed. no more money until it's pays for. that's afar my parents would do. and I definitely wasn't seeing that iPod again got a while.

What's the point of sending a kid to his room anyway if he still has his ipod, his tv, and computer in there? It just turns into a no-parents mini-vacation!

Bust the damn iPod with a hammer. Yet another sorry ass parent raising a kid who feels "entitled". We the tax payers will be paying for his future incarceration.

RedShirted 3

This guy gets it. Incompetent parenting isn't an fml.

take the iPod, break it in half in front of him, then whoop his butt, and make him work to pay everything off; and no, whooping isn't child abuse; I was whooped as a kid, and it straightened me out

I agree, but I think you shouldn't be so stupid to link YOUR credit card to HIS iPod. You can easily disable it... YDI

or you can make the kid do work to make up the $600

well said. yea my parents would take away my ipod in no time.

laughattack98 0

My friends sister was playing on a gamecube or something once and her mom said get off or I'll break it and when she checked back in she was still playing so she just got a hammer and started smashing it, lol. She's not crazy or anything, but she never did it again. I had to share this story. xD

I agree cuz he's actually punishing you take away his iPod

157315731573 0

ok first she's sending him to his room, not necessarily grounding him. and who are you to judge how other people raise their kids. I'm sure in you have kids you screwed up a few times raising them too.

jesslynx 6

My son spent $10 on some music for his iPod, so I changed my password &... tada! he can't even update his apps without asking me to put my password in. problem solved. & he remembers everytime why it's like that.

emeralz1 0

he wouldnt have an iPod ! I sure wouldn't let it get to 601.00!

I agree. I'd take it away after $5 had been spent and not paid back. I'd also go to the settings and password protect so he couldn't buy stuff. I also wouldn't let a kid have their own iTunes account with my credit or debit card number on there and I sure as hell would not give them my pass word. iTunes always asks for a password when buying stuff on iTunes. This person deserves it because there were many ways to prevent this and they were either to stupid, careless, or lazy to take any action.

put the iPod on the floor and pick up a hammer... I don't think I need to explain any further.

Insert hammer into ass and call for KaySL. Oh... not what you were going for 75?

no, that's exactly what I was thinking. two great minds think alike!

How can OP not have noticed this? iTunes bills you and sends you an email receipt almost immediately. I'm sure they would have noticed, unless they're just too lazy.

I would change my password on my Apple ID, ground him and give him pocket money just enough for food until he repays that $600.

how old is the little bastard? time to make him pay, either hard work or beatings. if you choose beatings, use a bag of satsuma oranges they won't leave bruises but will send a message.

thank you, I'll put this information to good use...

ohheyliza 0

If your kid is young enough to be sent to their room as a punishment, then they are way too young to have an iPod.

RyanX92 0

if that was my kid I'd just take the iPod put it on craigs list and sell his xbox or whatever too then ground them a month for every 50 bucks left to get paid off

OP, take notes. This guy knows a thing or two about dealing with brats.

armorf0r 7

feel lucky he hasn't found the more expensive apps. that shit would rack up way more than $600, and in a hurry to. plus everything on iTunes is non-refundable. could be worse.

Not true, I'm a iOS developer and had often the problem that people got a refund from Apple just because they can't read the description. The real problem is, I have to pay the refund because Apple still takes it 30%, so I lose money in the end. FML

That's bogus. Apple does need better quality control however, I'm tired of seeing those cell phone trackers under utilities.

Yes, I agree, but sometimes people don't read the description of serious apps (I have a lot of productivity and finance apps, no battery bullshit apps) and then they think it has a certain feature or does some things that it doesn't which is all clearly described in the description.

take it from him for part of the punishment! problem solved

I'd sell the iPod and other toys to get the money back.

bbedlock_fml 7

After you send him to his room, switch off the Wi-Fi so he can't access the Internet.

maybe you should consider removing your credit card off of his iTunes account!

ThrasT 0

This, a thousand times this!

nah, its easier to blame Apple for allowing expensive apps in the AppStore.

LinTurk 4

Exactly what I was thinking. I would never leave this information on a Childs iPod. That's why they have iTunes cards!!

iTunes requires a credit card tied to all accounts in order to download anything doesn't it? At least thats how it was last time I checked.

Catto-Golden 23

That's what I've been thinking

"I can't parent" would have been less to type. Five across the eyes, dipshit.

So ur saying it shoulda been " Today, I can't parent. FML.

skateking133 0