By gabby - 24/02/2012 23:01 - United States
Same thing different taste
Do you even lift, bro?
By Anonymous - 11/08/2013 04:24 - United States
By desigymrat - 25/12/2010 05:29 - France
By caswell 1 - 28/02/2009 05:03 - United States
By WhoaThere - 18/12/2009 05:23 - United States
By SnapeIsGood - 08/11/2016 09:44 - Germany - Kornwestheim
By Gjkashldf - 04/05/2009 00:36 - United States
Rain check?
By emberstormmm - 03/06/2023 03:00
By j4y - 29/01/2009 00:30 - Canada
By mudafkrmas - 18/09/2009 04:14 - Canada
By (L) - 13/02/2018 09:00 - United States - Athens
Top comments
Get a cute doctors number instead.
Technically the doctor would get into some serious trouble for having anything but a professional attitude with a patient
Did she fall and break her leg on a treadmill or something? I really wanna know how she ended up in the hospital.
Going to the gym to meet guys is actually pretty pathetic
Don't stare at men's ass all day while working out at the gym, you might hurt yourself... Think it's a little too late for that now
She needs Dr. Cox ;p
Its just a joke -_-
there are so many things wrong here! why in the world would you wear make up to the gym? the whole point is to sweat so you can lose weight, and when you're wearing foundation, i'm sure that's not what you wanna do. you're wasting a tube of foundation and primer that could seriously be used during the weekend. -__-
^ like totally :/
Seeing how OP enjoys getting dolled up then excercising, I think she would make a great hooker.
This is what happened: OP found a cute boy, they started talking and he told her to meet him in the changing room, OP thought she was gonna get it in,she did get stabbed, but instead of a dick, it was a knife. The "cute boy" turned out to be a girl named Justin Beiber, why did she stab OP? Because OP found out "his" secret, in a attempt to save her reputation, Justin Bieber attacked, fortunately, OP survived and now the world knows, the only ones that appear to not have found out are the pre teen girls that are in denial and deny the facts.
That why I don't like going to the campus's gym anymore, a lot of distractions. Girls with yoga pants nice ass etc. I can't focus on working out. I'm a man I can't help it
Gabby! It's you!
Ha. You dolled yourself up to go to the gym? *****.
Cause shotgun shells are bad for your health.
And dicks in yo ass is bad fo yo health!
Aww I like 54's
I hate 54's comment! That's awful!
129... Maybe its cause he think it puts him in good health?? I dont think he's bashing anybody...
129 Really makes me laugh. She overreacts to everything! I personally find her comments hilarious.
Cute boys don't usually go to the gym. And if I were you I'd be looking for a handsome man's number. Cute boys only come in one age: twelve.
Justin Bieber is also not a boy. =P
4 has spoken.
Who says cute guys usually don't go to the gym? I'm at the gym almost every day, & trust me, there are A LOT of cute guys there!
I got to the gym but I would rather call myself hot or handsome
Since when did she say she was referring to Justin Beiber
^It's implied my beautiful little troll. :)
Hey, I'm pretty sure that was meant to be an insult, #4 and quite frankly, being of twelve years of age, I do not really appreciate it. Honestly, just because people/kids like me are just younger and appear to be of less intelligence, I think quite a few of you are greatly mistaken, considering the level of maturity I've seen in older teens and young adults. Basically, the point I'm getting across here is that some people, example #4, don't need to act like assholes to the lower generation. No I'm kidding ignore that entire message. But I think I speak for all 12-14 year old guys here; we all hate being called "cute" by some older for their own amusement or the attempt at being friendly. :)
And who says one my age can't get a girl's number? :D
Thats because he not 12 !
79 - troll? how the hell am I being a troll?
It's not that you were being insulted because of your age, #4 was just trying to say that cute isn't really a term that should be used to describe an attractive man at a gym. You see, an adult wouldn't call a 12 year old attractive, so the word cute is often used to describe children (sorry, but until you're 18 and "legal" you are considered a child in the government's eyes.)
12 year olds + relationships = FAIL
All right I'm going to reply to two comments here... Yes, I know that one my age is legally a child that much I do know. And 142, seriously, kids my age dont HAVE relationships. Because I agree, a real relationship at my age would be pretty stupid.
Sorry *143
140 hit the nail on the head. Dear 12 year old kid, get your panties out of a bunch.
I'm sorry, did you read my message correctly? You know, the part that said "ignore that entire message". And also I see that you used the cliched "get your panties out of a knot". original. ******* original.
183 - My original comment was not meant to be taken as an insult to children your age. I guess you're not mature enough to realize this, therefore you misinterpreted and took it to heart. Not my fault or my problem, bub. Everyone else seemed to get it.
Obviously, you read my first comment completely incorrectly. You know, the part that said "ignore that entire message"? Yeah. Think before you speak. Or just learn to read.
See how I'm repeating myself? It's because you DON'T GET IT. Yes, I completely understand that your original comment was just meant to be a joke. Mine was too. Read carefully.
Honestly. This is exactly what I mean. Adults look at kids as completely inferior, when they're the ones who make all the stupid mistakes.
So how are they supposed to be attractive if they don't work out? Only ugly people DON'T go to the gym.
"**** you if you have a taste in guys who make you happy! Date guys who make your pussy wet instead!" Yeah, **** you.
As they say try try again:)
....Guess not, huh? Just great knowing now, eh?
Canadian, eh?
how the hell do you fall off a tricycle?
Were you trying to run in heels? D:
Win. Lol
It made her bum look good. Who knew it would be so difficult?
Hmm... Am I the only wondering how this happened? But you should heal up and try again! Hope everything's ok
What if OP was a dude and went to the gym to pick up guys, got his ass kicked and had to leave on a stretcher.... Lmao
This is why you need a wing woman to help you out. Now I'm still wondering were you hitting on the wrong guy with a crazy girlfriend, or did you try to impress them and didn't know your own limitations?
Her own limitations I suppose because the OP most likely would have mentioned a crazy girlfriend attacking her to make it seem like a worse FML.

Get a cute doctors number instead.
Cute boys don't usually go to the gym. And if I were you I'd be looking for a handsome man's number. Cute boys only come in one age: twelve.