By caswell 1 - 28/02/2009 05:03 - United States

Today, I was at the school's rec center, working out for the first time in a while. While there, there was this very mysteriously attractive girl who kept shooting me glances. I asked for her number and she responded by saying "if you can lift this same weight as me". I couldn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 545
You deserved it 13 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We have a woman in our gym who used to compete in the Ms. Olympia. She's hot as hell, has great legs, and can still lift more than half the dudes in the gym. Take the girl's advice, OP, and show her how hard you're working out. Maybe something good will happen some day.


Well, caswell, you're obviously a bitch and a disgrace to men across the globe. @#23 THANK YOU!

musicalmandi16 0

ok, why would the girl be looking at him anyway if he seemed like a weakling? he was probably on the treadmill.

Just think of it as a goal. Start working out more.

youhavenoidea 0

bet she's dummmmmbb hotttt that blowss for you bro

luckily for you, you're not as weak and pathetic as I am.

serenitylater 0

Not only are you physically weak, but your game is weak. Asking a girl for her number right off the bat...that's run-of-the-mill sh1t. Women like mysterious men who act like they don't need them. When you noticed that she was eyeballing you, you should've chuckled and said, "You wish." That would exude confidence to make up for your pathetic muscles.

I agree w/ 12 wait. lift her weight or lift the one she could??? and how can anyone by 80 pounds?!

17Master 0

Well, you originally went to the rec center to get buff, not pick up girls, right? So get back to getting buff! Geez. If anything, this is a good thing, because now you have more motivation to do what you were going to do in the first place.

Hahahahahahahaha : ) That comment made me laugh