By nicknick2 - 18/05/2011 16:08 - United States

Today, I was at Walmart with my mom, when a guy next to me let out a series of vicious farts. Assuming it was me, my mom chewed me out in front of the guy and made me apologize. The man looked at my mom and said, "Children, they're so immature." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 074
You deserved it 3 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SmelloJello 9

After your mom stopped chewing you out, u shoulda just farted in her face and giggled.


I'm sorry OP, but that guy is a champion! Who else could maintain a straight face while some woman makes her child apologise to you for a fart that you did? And then follow it up with such an awesome line?

da da da DAH-Da-daah! Fartman strikes again! [deep gravelly voice] "One man... & a can of beans... lurking at a Walmart near you."

Jenna_Tell_Yuh 0

well, now you kinda broke the fart barrier with your mommy. feel free! ;)

WOW you should have just farted on that guy!!! lol

you lost me after, "Today, I was at Walmart"...

ahaha omg sucks to be you , that's hilarious !!!

shona4lyfe 5

wow, that really does suck!!