By sobusy - 25/09/2015 17:47 - United States - Romeoville

Today, I had to listen to my coworker complain about how working 19 hours a week leaves her with no time to go to the doctor and get her bronchitis treated. Meanwhile, I work 40 hours a week, as well as doing 18 credit hours at school, and she refuses to cover her mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 729
You deserved it 1 768

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she has other stuff after work... If not, destroy her. Sorry OP

Plus side is, once a cold hits bronchitis stage, it's usually not contagious anymore. It can start from a cold or allergies and work into a sinus infection then settle into bronchitis, if you don't watch it, you can be down with pneumonia pretty quickly. Mine always starts out as allergies, so it's never contagious. I deal with bronchitis yearly (I have it right now) and I'm suprised she could even manage to work 20 hrs a week. My brain is such a fog, I can't do anything. Luckily, I'm able to stay home until I'm better. Make her wear a mask.


Maybe she has other stuff after work... If not, destroy her. Sorry OP

JodogX13 13

Dude she needs to stop complaining and good luck with your highschool

I think they're in college. Doubt high schoolers are allowed to work those hours

I think it depends on the state for the child Labor Laws. But I wanna say minors are only allow to work at least 20 to 30 hours a week at a time.

skyttlz 32

In Washington, high schoolers aged 16 and 17 can only work 4 hours a day and not after 9 PM. One place told me they drop that law when the student turns 18 but another place said it remains while you're in school. My local Dairy Queen got shut down for 2 years because the owner was overworking 16/17 year olds and not giving appropriate breaks.

mariri9206 32

Also, high schools don't go by "credit hours" - colleges do.

Make sure to keep sanitizer handy. People are rude. I'm sorry you have a selfish co worker op.

You can't catch bronchitis. Sanitizer does nothing.

I'm curious as to how 19 hours a week doesn't leave her enough time to go to the doctor.

Exactly, I work over 19 hours in two days at work.

Really needy children? Really needy boyfriend? Crippling Netflix addiction? I too want answers!

JustinJK 21

I work 4-8 hours a week and have 6 classes, and I still struggle keeping up with things lol. idk.

I work with someone that works 16 hours a week and she wasn't able to get to the doctors for two months because of how busy she was. Also, I don't know about where you live but here we are given an appointment by the doctor and that's when we see them, if you can't make it then they'll have to see when else they can book you in but you could be waiting a few weeks.

@ 39: I'm assuming your coworker had other stuff going on, and that's why she couldn't make it. The FML made it sound like this person said they couldn't make it to the appointment solely because of 19hrs/week work, which I find hard to believe.

@46 I'm pretty sure most people have obligations of sorts outside of work. She could be so busy while not at work that doing those 19 hours really stops her from being able to do things.

psychopolarbear 28

Ain't no body got time for that, apparently

DMA0712 22

Some people are just plain rude.

Op just get her one of those face masks if she doesn't go to the doctor and I'd she also refuses to do that, threaten to report her to H.R

You can't report someone for bronchitis. It isn't contagious. She's in no way threatening the health of her coworkers. Personally I think op is right to be annoyed with the constant complaining, but the fact the coworker has bronchitis is irrelevant. It's not affecting op in any way.

Except for the fact that NO ONE likes to be coughed on.

Take pride in the fact that you're not a wimp!

Plus side is, once a cold hits bronchitis stage, it's usually not contagious anymore. It can start from a cold or allergies and work into a sinus infection then settle into bronchitis, if you don't watch it, you can be down with pneumonia pretty quickly. Mine always starts out as allergies, so it's never contagious. I deal with bronchitis yearly (I have it right now) and I'm suprised she could even manage to work 20 hrs a week. My brain is such a fog, I can't do anything. Luckily, I'm able to stay home until I'm better. Make her wear a mask.

Bronchitis are contagious, even if they start with an allergie.

The allergy weaken the lungs and you can catch more easily a virus or bacteria which then proliferate. And that makes you contagious.

gilligan_isle 6

Chronic bronchitis is not contagious usually lasts a few months and happens every year. Acute bronchitis lasts for 1-3 weeks and is contagious for up to a week because it's usually developed through a cold or the flu

If it's not contagious, a mask helps the situation how? I'm prone to bronchitis 1-3 times a year, and my mother, being a healthcare professional, can confirm that bronchitis is a simple inflammation of the bronchials, can pretty much be caused by anything, and has nothing to do with the people around you being or getting sick.

I know the feeling op. People suck. Don't let it get to you. soon you'll be making the big bucks with as hard as you work :)