By justjust - 28/03/2009 14:14 - United States

Today, I was at work at a preschool. I was sitting outside with the kids and was getting bored so I started singing. One of the little girls runs up and puts her hand over my mouth and tells me to stop. I'm in a select chorus at my highschool and plan to major in choral studies in college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 887
You deserved it 11 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bioclock 0

Don't take it too seriously. I know when I was younger, I got embarrassed when any of my family members would sing, regardless of whether they were good or not. I know you're not any of their parents, but it might be something similar.

Kids.....hehe. Maybe she did not like your song, I bet if you sang dora she would love it. XD 1st.....hahahah...Victory is MINE!


She doesn't know real singing... Dont worry(:

iBiteRoses 22

LOL so I know a lot of people who got into a "select" choir just because they were the "favorite" or "teacher's pet"

lolhahafml 0

One: Bite her hand. Two: Kids don't know what real music is. I know from experience.

an3ph 20

If you get career and self-worth advice from preschoolers, you are not going to have a good time.

LudicMonster 22

Well, sometimes it's not about how good you are, suddenly singing in public can be jarring, or unpleasant especially to people that have sensitive hearing. Some people can't tune it out and it's bothersome

She's just a little girl, they don't care how you sound, if they want you to stop it's not personal. I bet your great

This was posted years ago but it just reminded me of what I was like when I was little. My mum was a professional stage singer (small time, operatic and classical stuff) and is now a singing teacher (though she does other jobs too) and when I was little I HATED her voice. She's amazing at singing, I just didn't like the style.

Little kids just typically don't like to listen to singing. I'm kinda in the same boat as you, I'm a soloist as well, yet whenever I sing at home my sisters tell me to shut up.

I think she was imagining a game where aliens were hunting them, and singing would give away the position.