By StellarSapience - 22/05/2009 01:18 - United States

Today, I was at work at an office store. I was instructed to put together several tape-free cardboard boxes. I then realized that I can disassemble and reassemble a computer with my eyes closed and one hand behind my back, but I was outsmarted by a cardboard box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 683
You deserved it 8 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You gotta watch out, cardboard boxes are sly customers.

It's obviously a conspiracy to make you look silly. Watch out. Next thing you know they will send the child-proofed objects in to mess with you. Oh and just being able to disassemble/reassemble a computer doesn't make you that clever. Until you grow a brain just get gaffer tape and tape those mofo's up. You know you want to.


so let me tell you how this all came to be I'm doin' this here rap for your safety so all you kids don't mess up like me and be disowned by your family so check it, this is how it all began I was chillin', eatin' some raisin bran I decided it was time to get a tan so I grabbed my scissors and then I ran I forgot my house was two stories tall I missed the first step and began to fall What happened next I could not recall I was impaled by the scissors and thats not all I thought I could get some help on the street I got run over by a ******* Jeep the rest of this mess I will not repeat to help keep your lunch, I've been discrete (box / the boxman / he's the boxman / he's the boxman / he's a box / he's a boxman / boxman / he's a box / man)

I 100% agree, I can put a pc together but those damn boxes are impossible to put together without tape.

rob8625 0

Well you didn't get fired right. Even still I don't think putting together a cardboard box is that hard.

Thats no big, boxes are ******* complicated dude. I feel your pain. FYL indeed. also #12/13 it's called a figure of speech. Look it up sometime.

It's a silly figure of speech to use here. I mean you only have 300 words. Why use some long ass FoS instead of just saying easily?

It's OK my friend, I am in the same boat with you... Luckily I can read the instructions on the bottom of the box though....

Spacial relations and computer parts aren't really the same thing.

Wow #12 and #13. You guys are really dumb. Congrats!

No, no, don't feel bad. Seriously. Packing supplies are the best way to make the most intelligent person feel completely stupid.

have you ever seen an Engineer do a simple task? it's hilarious. my dad has a masters in electrical engineering and one in mechanical engineering. he holds numerous patents. watching him install a baby seat in a car....FAIL. :c)