By shrutisoma - 12/05/2016 04:54 - Australia - Strathfield

Today, I was at work when a customer came up to me and asked where and what I used to get my tan. I'm Indian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 298
You deserved it 1 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When will people stop asking stuff without thinking first? FYL OP.


Ptth they wishing they could be you with your awesome skin????

I would look them in the eyes and say"I wake up."

To be fair, Indians tan too. Most Indian girls I know are really pale and use fake tanners every once in a while. Just because you're Indian doesn't ,wan you can't be tanned.

TessTickles 8

I think you should take that as a compliment...maybe she thought you have beautiful skin.

species4872 19

For f****'s sake, people ask stupid questions about any and everything. Learn the difference between innocent stupidity and a smart ass, and if you have to ask how to tell the difference then you have a bigger problem then them. As for those that get offended by stupid questions. Get over it and stop whinging.