By crazygirl12 - 29/07/2011 15:18 - United States
Same thing different taste
Asshats are everywhere
By hardtotell - 22/01/2010 00:45 - United States
By shrutisoma - 12/05/2016 04:54 - Australia - Strathfield
By Anonymous - 27/03/2021 02:01
By tempted to become single - 21/10/2012 16:00 - United States - Atwater
By okaythen - 02/03/2016 23:50 - United States - Arcata
By ok then - 31/10/2016 15:55
America, **** yeah
By BrazilianGal - 12/08/2021 02:01
By isabellam0426 - 02/11/2016 02:55
By Anon - 26/05/2009 17:45 - United Kingdom
Office embarrassment
By mog - 07/11/2019 08:00 - United States
Top comments
omg... can you spell idiot.??
Idiat...nope I can't.

It's spelled "idiot". And what else can't you do, besides spell and form a coherent sentence?
I wonder if she was a blonde
Why would I spell idiot? And why are you asking me whether or not I can?
Do you ride polar bears too? Cause I do.
That is soooo usa....
who needs to know how to spell these days when you have google and spellcheck
man 1, your such an eedyut, Lyke omgawd dood nativez has like teepeez n stuffz
@65 You do live in an igloo. That is, unless you reside in an apartment complex. Igloo means "house" you moron. You shouldn't take offense to EVERY LITTLE THING. Hell, the natives here in Alaska joke about it. Grow a pair.
**** you guys, especially the one who said they're ashamed to be an American. I for one am very proud to be living in America.
aermica is giong dwon hlil...i cnat say taht i am porud to be an aermiacn or not bceuase ervey cunorty has its porlbems and i am srue taht tehre is smoehting aobut eevry cunorty taht scuks...and i dontt really know wtf i am talking about...but this is for all of you nazis out there...enjoy xo hugs and all that fun shit
am i the only one that can easily read that?
I can't believe I understood 108...
16, you IDIOT, I think you missed the joke 8 was trying to make. They misspelled it on purpose.
your an Eskimo?
your an Eskimo?
A note about 108's comment, unless you suffer from severe dyslexia you should be able to read it easily. It's been proven that so long as the first and last letters of a word remain the same the other letters can be completely jumbled and the word is still readable.
I tihnk dat if amecria has a prolbem its poeple woh CAN'T SPELL LIKE A LITERATE HUMAN BEING
116- There was actually an article I read about how most human brains can read the word as long as the first and last letters stay put. It's actually kinda cool.
The only problem I had was with the word country. That took me a few seconds to figure out... >.
exactly! ****-ups #1? the people who write the history books that are taught in public schools. like, uhhhh Columbus doesn't deserve credit for discovering something that was already Native Americans!!!
said the brainless joke with hot sister
you a babe
98 are you very proud to own a shotgun and a dodge power wagon? DAT DURS A PURTY NAICE CURR U GOTS DER!! Jklol I am American too :p
Even if you are dislexic, you should be able to read that.
47- it is also why i look at the stereotypical american and shake my head
ignorant ****
im sorry 166 but if you're going to complain about people's spelling you should look at your own spelling first
well us white men certainly tried
Um Theravada people like that in every country?
It's the United States, you're surprised? Lmao
lol 32 Canada isn't that much different. don't even bring up the health care crap.
your right, it's just that our students don't drop out in the 3rd grade.
32, the US is not the only place with ignorant people.
I'm not saying America is terrible, but it IS the most hated country in the world overall. mostly due to stupid shot done by the army and government, sadly, because of this Americans are stereotyped as rude and ignorant people. most aren't, but in places like Cuba Americans are generally disliked.
mainly because americans cant get into Cuba
it's not just al queda, in which you trained and funded 6 million dollars in the late 90's, Osama being in the top 5 trained by the FBI, and yes Cuba is a bit butthurt about the missile crap. I'm canadian, I don't hate Americans except for the fucktards that don't no shot about us and think we live in igloos, but as you pointed out, countries like Iraq and Cuba do, although your intentions are good, it's kind of expected a country won't like you if you invade it.
sorry, 6 billion* and it's a true fact it's funny how I'm Canadian and I know it and most Americans don't, al queda was funded 6 billion dollars and their agents, including osama, were trained by the FBI because at the time the US needed them to aid in another war conflict. osama was ranked 3rd in the top five trained agents.
89, that's mostly true, honestly I'm suprised al queda has not retaliated. but in the long run all of that situation is dealt with as of now
actually it's was more of supporting team "anybody but russia!"
oh god, please dont make it sound like all Americas love war, some of us are actually properly shamed of the poor defense choices of our "leaders"
America is most hated country in the world? America is currently the world power, so they have a lot of influence naturally. But America has behaved better than any other world power in history. You think the Turks cared if you're offended by this bullshit "Cultural Imperialism?" you think Rome had a terrorist problem? The British Empire did not solve their disputes with diplomacy. It's very easy to criticize when you have no power. It's easy for Cuba to say what should be done even though they'd behave much worse with the same power. Even with it's immense power, America doesn't open fire on protestors, doesn't hang/burn/stone gays, or restrict access to the Internet or from leaving. Go live in a country like Iran or North Korea before you make such outrageous claims about America. The country isn't perfect, but they have a free and open press, protection of minorities, freedom of religion, equality of the sexes, etc. No other world power in HISTORY has behaved as well as the United States.
196.. America isn't "the" work power, she is one of the world powers, don't be arrogant.
world** not work*
89."What we're doing". Man you better be talking about NATO ISAF forces,Also the civvies in A'stan are also grateful. people are now walking the streets selling items, taxis are driving through, kids are playing in the streets. This was done by NATO ISAF forces, not just American. Now I'm talking about K'har. I can't say anything about the other provinces in A'stan. judging from your profile picture you're USMC, from your brothers up north, stay safe.
you just hatein cause we are so kick ass!
ok well he went bad and then we killed him so suck it
oh but it is our navy is the largest in the world. our air force has air dominance every were but two countries, Russia and north Korea, our army is one of the most high tech army's in the world, and we have the best trained speacial forces out there (marines are navy btw and some so that's not true but its been that way at least since ww2
32 and anyone who agrees with him- yes, Americans CAN be known to be stupid, but not all of them are. and btw- it is ILLEGAL to drop out of school in third grade to whoever said that. And a lot of other countries dislike us because we either shot them, or, truthfully, we're better than them and they're jealous. So just stop being assholes towards Americans and get your facts straight because you're telling us we're stupid with incorrect statements. I'm Italian-American, but I live in the USA now, so if you're gonna pretty much insult me and all other Americans, at least do it well. Thanks.
87. Wait..... Canadians dont live in igloos?
Correction, Americans are stupid.
post correction: 196: so being the world's most hated country is favorable? And stop bullshitting yourself, only reason you have such a massive armed force is BECAUSE if someone wanted to attack you, you have no link to any backup; no commonwealth country is gonna come save a separatist's ass. And don't even deny the fact that half your country is inbred hotshots who either own or have experience with a gun. War hungry, no. Obsessed with killing inferiors for status, yes.
especially the white ones haha there women like us better haha
so we should have commonwealth? i.e. we should have brutally and unrightfully taken over some else's country and forced them to adopt us as their "mother country"? and killing inferior status? what does that even mean? we kill minorities? nope. we kill people with other forms of government that don't threaten us? nope. we kill the poor? nope. research before you hate.
To #81: Love how that there are some countries that have husbands legally beating wives, regulate what you can look at on the internet, force women to cover their faces, put you in jail if you say bad things about their countire's leaders, and put homosexuals to death....but no, no, no, AMERICA is such a hated place.
I'm Canadian and I have to say every country has there problems. I would hope most Americans on here would get off there high horse. Hardly peace keepers, Native Americans tribes were slaughtered by settlers. Middle eastern cities torn up by drones and missile fire looking for one person. The reason the rest of the world thinks you're war hungry is because your leaders. Your "boys" have friendly fired on allied countries killing my brother in the process. Maybe if you stopped and thought about the way your "making the world better," you'd realize how much you're destroying in the process. You're not making the world better, you're making the world better for US.
Just another case of American ignorance: what they see valuable, they take without asking, add force of guns, then claim victory and add it to their trophy case.
This comment might be the funniest thing I've ever read on fml.
You have a lame ass sense if humor then, just saying. My comment wasn't even funny.
You should have pulled out a tomahawk and scalped her.
Scalping came from the British.
ok mr.history expert. the native americans would scalp the patriots and bring them back to the British for proof of the killings in order to receive payment...
haha i toldily agree
Lol perfect comment.
clearly the bitch was an idiot
From one native to another this made my day, is this something thst city natives deal with cause I live in the country and never had that happen.
same here
yes it is. they are scared I'll hurt them or scalp them.

omg... can you spell idiot.??
Idiat...nope I can't.