By Anonymous - 08/02/2012 17:45
Same thing different taste
By How? - 29/09/2018 10:30 - United States - Glasford
By Anonymous - 20/10/2016 13:17 - United Kingdom - Maidstone
By birdsterrifyme - 23/03/2015 04:42 - United States - Sikeston
By birdbath - 08/11/2009 07:26 - United States
By xacked - 02/06/2009 06:39 - United States
Flash, ah ah!
By Dumb, Dumber, and Dumberer - 12/10/2022 20:00
By Anonyme - 10/06/2011 23:07 - France
By margretlle - 26/04/2009 04:07 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/04/2015 02:08 - United States - Gardnerville
Britain's got talons
By Anonymous - 15/01/2025 22:00 - United Kingdom
Top comments
Bird, bird, bird, bird is the word.
For some reason if someone asks you "what happened", and you say "you wouldn't believe me if I told you", then people are more likely to believe you. At least, that's how it's been for me.
They think OP is full of crow. ;D
I wish I could've seen it, it sounds like a hoot!
Pero like... you act like thats the worst part... you forget thats going to scar across your face and you're going to look hella weird.
We all know you just tripped over a rock...
That or girl scouts beat your ass for not buying cookies and you lied about everything
Thank you 1 i now have that song stuck in my head.
he was sleep walking and dreaming of birds
Bird: "save me human!!!". You: "...the ****?!". Owl: "om nom nom".
Since Angry Birds came up, just be happy it wasn't one of the exploding black ones.
I hate birds, dirty nasty things they are. They can peck, swoop AND shit on your head!
Please, admit it.. You like rough sex ;)
Okay, maybe a little... Teehee ;)
Rough as in no lube? Cause ****** burn hurts way more than rug burn.
what would you know of ****** burns? o____o
"you don't always have to **** her hard, in fact sometimes thats not right to do. Sometimes you've got to make some love, and ******* give her some smooches too."
54 why you have a pic with OJ Simpson?
Did you have the window open or something? Who has a window open at 3 am in January? Unless you're in Australia or something. Ouch!
Lol ^^ burn
the fml might not have been moderated till recently and the fml might be old. just a thought... forgive me if im wrong.
It's been an unseasonably warm winter. I had my window open just the other day and I live in Kentucky.
Yeah, birds and owls only live in the forest. What OP didn't say was about the lions, cheetah, and orange hippos attacking him. He just didn't add them because it would be declined for being unbelievable.
I go for walks in the forest at 3 am all the time... I mean, when else would you go to hide the bodies?
I go for walks in the forest at 3 am all the time... I mean, when else would you go to hide the bodies?
I've had an owl swoop in front of my car (high enough so I wouldn't hit it) in the middle of downtown Cincinnati, Ohio. So I'm pretty sure that the location of the FML is irrelevant, just so long as temperature permits an owl to inhabit that area.
First I used to walk in the woods all the time in middle of the night. Second not everybody lives in towns or cities. Where I live we have owls, coyotes, and other critters around our house all the time. Birds are skittish creatures. I would believe you op, I would laugh, but I would believe you.
Don't go out in the birdy bird world, if you can't handle the violence. You're definitely not ready for the doggy dog world, but maybe you can toughen up by delving into the hamstery hamster would. Learn a bit o the ol rodent ultraviolence from me droogs, Alex, Petey and Dim.
Isn't it dog-eat-dog, not doggy dog? is, in fact, "dog-eat-dog."
Perdix, not everyone is as smart as you, and is going to remember each and every comment here on FML
perdix isn't slipping. his comments are always fun to read. and if you can figure out his references, you can give yourself a pat on the back
Perdix never does shit by accident people... C'mon now
Perdix, hamstery hamster is pretty funny!
Maybe that's why most people usually aren't out and about at 3 in the morning. Those birds are vicious!
It isn't just birds we need to look out for. Once while walking down my driveway, an acorn smacked me on the side of the head. I look over, and there is a squirrel just chilling there staring me down.
Pics or gtfo
Bird, bird, bird, bird is the word.
I'm talon you, show me some pics and owl believe you.