Dodging a bullet

By Lard - 19/09/2024 08:00 - United States

Today, my fiance called off our engagement, all because I let myself go due to comfort eating and depression since my mother passed and I got fired from work. He told me to lose 60 pounds or he “won’t consummate the marriage with my lard ass.” Our wedding and honeymoon were less than a month away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 235
You deserved it 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GoogieWithers 22

With an attitude like that. Are you sure that you want to marry him?

The trash took itself out. Don't get back with him.


GoogieWithers 22

With an attitude like that. Are you sure that you want to marry him?

So start eating right and working out. Bad shit happens to everyone. You decide whether it builds you or breaks you.

Seems pretty reasonable, losing 60 lbs. isn't a big deal. Cut sugary drinks and skip breakfast you'll be there in less than a year. It's actually more work/money/time to maintain the weight.

The trash took itself out. Don't get back with him.

Why does this have more YDI’s? OP deserves so much better than the sorry excuse for a misogynist POS she calls her “fiance.”

The split is because Group A) Believes you have responsibility for how you react to things that happen in your life, and you need to get your shit together and stop spiraling. Group B) Belieives that you have less responsibility, you are fates victim and society/guy/boss are at fault for not being decent human beings when OP could clearly use some support.

Wow, lotta pricks here. Show some compassion. Are you the kind of people watching someone going through a depressive episode and then say "Cheer up, life isn't that bad."? People have their own way of processing grief. Some drink, some eat and some people may dive into work or whatever. But, you show compassion and give help where you can in order to help them move on from whatever is causing them this grief/depression. You don't abandon them. Her fiance never valued her as a person, never supported her and abandoned her because he's a shallow d**k. And so are a lot of you YDI motherf****rs