By wellthisisawkward80 - 06/11/2011 05:15 - United States

Today, I was attending my bachelor party. I watched a very attractive young girl dancing on a pole, giving me a seductive look. As she walked up to me, I realized it was my soon-to-be wife's younger sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 633
You deserved it 17 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just don't forget who you're going to marry, bro. Let her use her seductive look to catch someone else.

Be glad it wasn't your mother in law lol D:


matt120784 0

You probably already wanted to see her naked anyway.

Instant_Reality 0

just pretend you dont know who she iss

quotechica 3

How wuld u not recognize ur sister in law? Did u not neet her fam before?

lionandthelamb61 9

Ugh, what a jip. Don't you just hate cliff-hangers?

bizarre_ftw 21

Interesting family you're marrying into there

"Oh, hi. This is awkward. You look so different without your clothes."

bizarre_ftw 21

At wedding party: "Oh, hi. This is awkward. You look so different with your clothes"

skinny_treats 6

And she wasn't at your wife's bachelorette party because...?

...and that was the second time I got crabs...

bizarre_ftw 21