By nutsucker - 08/03/2009 19:08 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a 7 year old girl and we were eating chocolate covered nuts. She kept on chewing the nuts and wondered where the chocolate was. I told her to taste the chocolate you suck on the nuts. Then her parents came home and the first thing she said was "I learned how to suck nuts!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 527
You deserved it 10 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I reeeeeeeeally hope they asked you to explain right


xslapchopx 0

yeah. it made me chuckle. sorry but kids will say everything and anything.

it would have been worse if you were a dude.

lmao it would be so much funnier if the OP was a dude xD

bhahahahhaa!! ahaha! ahh! ahahahah!! pwned!

alpha14_fml 0

Lmao! How is this an FML? Kids say the craziest things. I doubt the parents minds went to a dirty place when the kid said that.

callmesillyxxx 1
mootoo31 6

yeah. it would only be an fly if the op were a guy.

lol teaching the child a little early :p......... hopefully you explained yourself to the parents.

I doubt it, considering OP is a girl.

awesumchick 0

You shouldve jusr said youll taste it