By nutsucker - 08/03/2009 19:08 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a 7 year old girl and we were eating chocolate covered nuts. She kept on chewing the nuts and wondered where the chocolate was. I told her to taste the chocolate you suck on the nuts. Then her parents came home and the first thing she said was "I learned how to suck nuts!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 527
You deserved it 10 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I reeeeeeeeally hope they asked you to explain right


PaperxHearts_xox 0

lmfao; that's happened to me before! but with ice cream cones ;D my little cousin was like "Those nuts taste really good!" ahaha. they won't take it too badly, unless they're mildly (or severely) sensitive to sexual puns. but thats hilarious.

Unless they're beyond reason, they should understand if you clarify.

ok, it says clearly at the bottom of the fml thats its a woman, so why would u ask if its a boy or a girl? also, a 7-yr old wouldnt think about that in a nasty way, so its not like its a major problem saying that, and it doesnt make her a perv. anyway, thats really funny!!! once i was babysitting these kids and one of them went to the bathroom, without me knowing. i asked the other kid where he was at and she said "in the bathroom playing with his penis" she was 8!!

ibanezplyr03 0

In all fairness, I use FML on my phone. It never shows OP's gender. I find myself wondering that all the time.

samba6970 0

not really the OP fault.....parents are the ones that use metaphors to cover up sexual related items....if not because of them...nuts would mean nuts....nothing the manly parts are testicles....:D

wow when I seen nuts I knew were this was going

Jbiebs82 0

It doesn't sound as bad as it seems..

YouHaveFailed 0

For those who dont know, OP says shes a girl because of the pink girl symbol. Learn2read them!!!!!!!

loludeserveit 0

am I the only person who noticed the pink gender sign???