By nutsucker - 08/03/2009 19:08 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a 7 year old girl and we were eating chocolate covered nuts. She kept on chewing the nuts and wondered where the chocolate was. I told her to taste the chocolate you suck on the nuts. Then her parents came home and the first thing she said was "I learned how to suck nuts!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 527
You deserved it 10 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I reeeeeeeeally hope they asked you to explain right


That's not really an FML story. Just telling the parents what she really meant will fix the whole thing. It's not like you'd get into any trouble for it.

latereflex 0

dud why wud u say that 2 a 7 year old? r u a pervert?u obviously meant it sexually.. but shes only 7!!

katie_6098 0

i only babysit relatives kids, at least that way they know im not a psycho

latereflex 0

dude i wud ****** kick ur ass if u said shit like that to my sister. i wud kick my anyones ass, thats just sick shes 7 save ur horniness for ur laptop maannn ****

inlimbo11 0

#26 how does the name "nutsucker" imply that the OP is male? they obviously used that name because they were signing up to post THIS fml.

why would you give chocolate to a seven-year-old? that's asking for trouble.

Vivelle 0

Lol, thats like AhMehGawd... #39 thats just the stupidest thing you could ask? Kids want sugar? O_O Why would it be a bad idea to give a kid a chocolate D=? Weirdo. Er! And about the Sucking nuts thing ~_~ .... It's kinda immature + STUPID! D=

geesquared 0

I did this once. When I was with some friends, one of my friend's little sister asked what she should say she did today. I said, "oh, say you licked a lollipop" and her mom took it the wrong way. I was only in 6th or 7th grade, haha!

Just explain it next time? I'm sure they didn't take it in a weird way unless your crazy.