By NotYourLady - 04/09/2009 06:23 - Canada

Today, I was babysitting a boy who was 11 years old. He told me that he loved me and wanted to be my boyfriend. I told him that I think he is a really great kid but I'm 17 so it would never work out. He said okay. When his parents came home he told them that I hit him and started crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 931
You deserved it 3 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a mamas boy. You wouldn't want him anyways. Even if he was older.

Shoulda tried to explain it to the parents, if they wouldn't believe him, then the best thing would be to walk up to the kid, and hit him for real then say "There, now i hit him"


if i were you i will accept him.he is really cool!

you accept him cause you cant get a really guy, right.

Ah sorry hey, thats gotta suck, once a child threw a toy hey copter at me, it hit my head and cutmy head, i was ten at the time so i burst into tears. his parents came rushing in, he burst into tears aswell, to which they repremanded ME, fo making him cry...

11 year olds need babysitters? Whend that happen/

No FML here. It WOULD be, if the douches parents believed him and then didn't pay for the babysitting. But OP didn't say that happened so we can only deduce that it didn't. As it is, OP found out that 11 yo boys can be immature and try to manipulate their parents. Big deal. Meh