By NotYourLady - 04/09/2009 06:23 - Canada

Today, I was babysitting a boy who was 11 years old. He told me that he loved me and wanted to be my boyfriend. I told him that I think he is a really great kid but I'm 17 so it would never work out. He said okay. When his parents came home he told them that I hit him and started crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 931
You deserved it 3 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a mamas boy. You wouldn't want him anyways. Even if he was older.

Shoulda tried to explain it to the parents, if they wouldn't believe him, then the best thing would be to walk up to the kid, and hit him for real then say "There, now i hit him"


Pastor_Rich 0

what's mlia stand for, clearly not a fml just explain it to the parents

hahahaloser 0

its my life is average. it is also a website.

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

Little children are ******* monsters. That's never happened to me, but one time, when I was at school with my friend, we went on the playground. Turns out a kindergarten class was having recess. The 8 swings that there was were empty, so we sat on them. Apparently a small girl 'owned' all those swings. So she threw rocks at us. And then she took her Beanie Baby caterpillar stuffed animal and sat "PILLAR IS GUNNA PEE ON YOU!" and spit at us. Fun experience. Anyways, OP: explain it to the parents. They will most likely not believe you, or they'll be skeptical, cause all parents think their children are angels. Tell the little kid they'll sell him to [insert made up country here] so he can do some [insert made up painful/embarassing job here] unless he tells the truth. 11 year olds are usually still gullible enough to believe shit like that. But if he doesn't, you're SO screwed. /:

Just because you had one experience with little kids doesn't mean they're all monsters. I know some incredible children, and horrible ones. Don't make a gross generalization. OP - That sucks. Why does an 11-year old need a sitter? Anyway, just explain it to the parents. If he's exhibited this sort of behavior before, it shouldn't be very difficult to get them to understand. If not, do you really want to babysit for this kid again?

Unregistered 0

lmao kids a champ OP's probably masturbating to a picture of him right now

cyurihsung 0

11 year olds aren't that gullible. I've spent some time around them and they're actually pretty mature; probably not even an eight year old would believe that.

Lol omg, stupid kid. He's not going to get a girlfriend for a long time if he keeps that up. That happened to me when I was 10, except the kid was like...6? He also said he had a 13 year old girlfriend. =P I told him if he had a girlfriend already he shouldn't be asking other girls out.

Wow, since when 11 year olds need babysitting? They should already drink beer or something.

that happened to my brother once. never babysit there again. kids can be diabolically convincing. who knows what he'd accuse you of next. :/

Sounds like the little brat needs to get his spoiled ass punted across a field.

When they're 17 and the Kid hasn't hit puberty yet, it's not right...

tell them the only reason you hit him was beacuse he was touching you inappropriately

There's a little kid who always asks me to marry him and cries when I say no, but he's only 6. 11 is a little extreme, and I've never met a single 11 year old who still needed to be babysat.

no they need to be institutionalised