By Kendal - 23/08/2011 18:18 - Canada

Today, I was baking cookies. I stared at them for 15 minutes and finally asked my dad, "Why are these taking so long?" He looked up at the oven and replied, "It might help if you turn the oven on." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 178
You deserved it 49 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments


How do you forget to turn on the oven? Even the RECIPE tells you to preheat it.

You stared at the oven for the whole 15 minutes? Fat...

orchadork4 7

you're the smartest Cookie cooking in the oven. oh wait. you failed to cook.

If cookies were sentient beings, they would be ashamed of your baking skills. You'll be known as the incompitent one, every cookie will hate you, give you violent diarrhea if you eat them, will hold an annual festival for incompitent bakers like you, etched in stone, FOREVER. BTW, FYL and YDI

Forgot to mention your 30 still living at home

Pinkfreak43 5

This isn't really a FML but okay...

silversonic75 6

Focused glares for long periods of time won't do anything if you aren't psychic. Even if you are psychic and can start fires with your mind, using that power for baking cookies is a very high-level skill. Meditate, clear your mind, and focus all of your senses to become one with nature. Then sharpen your skills to become super-natural yourself. Then, try to bake cookies with your mind again..... But make sure you don't burn down the house in the process. You may not know your true inner strength.

clynnc19 9

How did you sit there for 15 minutes and not die of boredom?

Lawbynature 0