By queengarmin - 25/04/2015 20:42 - United States - Pacific Grove
queengarmin tells us more.
OP here! Just to clarify, I didn't intentionally antagonize him and he didn't intentionally bite me. I was playing with my neighbor's retired therapy dog, and whilst trying to pull a toy from his mouth, he chomped down on my finger. It was most definitely an accident, and though it hurt like hell, we have forgiven each other and we're friends again. And I've learned my lesson about watching my fingers while playing with a dog.
Top comments
#37 is correct. Asking for documentation is prohibited under the ADA. You're required to just take their word for it. You can't even ask why they need a service dog. And while most service dogs wear their vests, it isn't even required under federal law.
Hey they're animals too. Being trained doesn't exempt them from their instincts. Although whoever trained it probably needs to work harder on it.
If it wasn't your therapy dog there's a reason why it says to ask before you pet.
It's still a dog and has the capability to bite. Did you ask the person if you could pet the dog?
Your therapist dog image made me laugh. Thanks for that. :)
its so need therapy :P XD
Apparently little to no one commenting on this FML understands that humans are generally the ones to provoke dog attacks. "No respect even from animals" shut the **** up, they'll give you respect if you give them respect. Anyways, sorry OP. Been there done that, hope you feel better!
Bite him back.
That sure puts the shock in shock therapy.

Was the dog having a ruff day? I'll see myself out
Was it from horse playing with the pup, or antagonizing it (with or without provoking it)? Huge difference