By queengarmin - 25/04/2015 20:42 - United States - Pacific Grove
queengarmin tells us more.
OP here! Just to clarify, I didn't intentionally antagonize him and he didn't intentionally bite me. I was playing with my neighbor's retired therapy dog, and whilst trying to pull a toy from his mouth, he chomped down on my finger. It was most definitely an accident, and though it hurt like hell, we have forgiven each other and we're friends again. And I've learned my lesson about watching my fingers while playing with a dog.
Top comments
Did that solve your problem?
Did you have a boner when it bit you hehehehh no-one? Ok. ;_;
It's because people are selling jackets online, so people pretend their animal is a service animal. Service and therapy dogs are over $50 000 and are trained to pay attention to no one but the owner. Therapy animals are trained to not have a temper but their handler needs to be close by (they're the ones who didn't make it as a service dog). A person can't just declare their animal to be one without proper documentation. They're the reason it makes life hard for people who have real disabilities who actually need them. They're given to you when you need it and get retired and taken away from you when they can't do it anymore.
Sounds therapeutic.
actually #32 you can just go online & order a vest & all the id's. No special paperwork needed & it is illegal in the U.S.A. to ask someone for their paperwork. All they have to have is the photo ID for the service animal clearly visible on the animal itself. A friend of mine has done this for years & has flown all over the country w/o incident. I don't have the nerve to pull this off & refuse to go with her if she brings her dog.
There is no law in the US that says your animal must be trained or registered. There isn't really any documentation required, and in fact in the US (and Canada the last time I checked) it's not legal to ask for proof that it's a service animal.
What a dog.
Don't think that's how acupuncture is supposed to work....
I guess the dog was being a... Bitch
Do you know the way out like the others or do you need to be shown out?

Was the dog having a ruff day? I'll see myself out
Was it from horse playing with the pup, or antagonizing it (with or without provoking it)? Huge difference