By emchocolat - 16/12/2012 16:55 - Europe
emchocolat_fml tells us more.
Thanks for your comments and highly original puns ! Just to clear the language issue up: "I was burgled" is correct British English (as opposed to American English) and means "Somebody broke into my house and stole things that belonged to me". "Burglarized" is the American synonym. The site said I come from Europe - I do, but it's a big place. I come from England and I live in Mayotte, a French territory in the Indian Ocean.
Top comments
Just waiting for all the shitty puns..
Well, you're late.
Were you in such a rush you completely missed #3?
14-I can't tell if that was an attempt at a pun or not
The burglar had obviously been casing the joint and learning your pooping habits, until he found the exact right time to strike. Maybe from now on you should lock your door while evacuating your rectum.
This looks like a job for... R-KELLY! R Kelly used golden shower on Burglar! It's super effective! Burglar ran away! R Kelly used golden shower on OP! It's super effective! OP is Pissed! R Kelly ran away!
No. Just fail.
Eh, you win some, you lose some.
Stealing you when you're at your lowest guard. Should have thrown some stink bombs to lure them out.
Like turd burgled. Heh.
This has happened to someone on FML before. XD I wonder how common things like this are....
I refuse to think it's common. This burglar obviously read the same FML submission you read and felt highly inspired. You're next.
this sounds familiar but i think the Bulgar's where laughing
The police station toilet was stolen. They say the police have nothing to go on.

And everything turned to shit
I hate when you can't take a shit in peace. You should have yelled to him to come back later when you were done.