By Exhausted - 28/11/2011 06:07 - Iran Islamic Republic of

Today, I was called an "inconsiderate scum bucket" by my neighbor because I allowed my loud alarm to go on too long before silencing it. The only reason that I sleep through my alarm is because I have to wear earplugs, as they have their TV on maximum volume until 4am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 907
You deserved it 2 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rei_Ayanami 18

I suggest calling the police for disturbing the peace and noise pollution.

An inconsiderate scum bucket? That otta be the bext swear wor ever invented


Do y'all sleep with your windows open? It can't be THAT bad through walls alone...

Im sorry but i completely sympathise with OP here. I have similar neighbours and through the wall I can hear every word clear as a bell from their television

Find your backbone and complain to whoever you need to to get them to turn the TV down.

This is war. A war of sound. THIS IS SPARTA!!!!

this is y we have land lords, so they can do the dirty work for us... ie, giving ur neighbors a warning about their noise pollution!

Hey they started it they deserve the alarm noise

hateevryone 14

you should've called them a inconsiderate dirtbag

Oh god I know how you feel! My mum is deaf in one ear so while trying sleep I need earplugs to block out the full volume tv. Then the house facing my bedroom window has a security light that will go off if a leaf passes it, so have to have a sleep mask :-[

Next time they leave their tv on call them an inconsiderate scum bucket. Karmas a bitch, they are hypocrites

jk4life 1

Poop in a bag put it on their doorstep light it on fire ring the door bell and hurry into your apartment

iBiteRoses 22

LOL because if you crap on someone's porch enough then it'll make them move somewhere else right?