By Exhausted - 28/11/2011 06:07 - Iran Islamic Republic of

Today, I was called an "inconsiderate scum bucket" by my neighbor because I allowed my loud alarm to go on too long before silencing it. The only reason that I sleep through my alarm is because I have to wear earplugs, as they have their TV on maximum volume until 4am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 907
You deserved it 2 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rei_Ayanami 18

I suggest calling the police for disturbing the peace and noise pollution.

An inconsiderate scum bucket? That otta be the bext swear wor ever invented


TheSofaKing 7

Throw a brick through their window and tell them their TV is too ******* loud.

rillastyle 1

Three simple words " so's ya face" Thouché

Hmm... This is genius! If you're in the fifth grade.

Have you tried reasoning with them OP? if not, they can deal with it. An alarm clock is not worth that kind of fuss

Make a bass cannon and aim it at his house to go off at 5 am.

xxZombieCookiexx 0

Are you the neighbor that doesn't turn their alarm off until the real one goes off? Who else thought of that FML?

You deserve it for not calling the cops on them for the tv! On the other hand fYL because you have almost no choice but to be rude back!

KiddNYC1O 20

I sleep with ear plugs as well! Foam ones. They work magic...


Iran? Didn't know ppl there watched tv...

Just cause u complained, it's gonna be 5am now! Sincerely, Your neighbor

rudikk99 2

I do the same! Ones my party animals were having fun during entire spring break and I had to go to work.. So I set up alarm on 5am Friday evening and left for a weekend ... They were pissed!!! 3 days it went on every 3 min!!