By Exhausted - 28/11/2011 06:07 - Iran Islamic Republic of

Today, I was called an "inconsiderate scum bucket" by my neighbor because I allowed my loud alarm to go on too long before silencing it. The only reason that I sleep through my alarm is because I have to wear earplugs, as they have their TV on maximum volume until 4am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 907
You deserved it 2 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rei_Ayanami 18

I suggest calling the police for disturbing the peace and noise pollution.

An inconsiderate scum bucket? That otta be the bext swear wor ever invented


xbrit551 13

Call them an inconsiderate scum bucket.

"Inconsiderate scum bucket" Sounds like a insult you'd hear from Spongebob.

Are your neighbors deaf? Are you catching it too? Lol

TylerOMFG 7

Well, if anyone says you deserve it, they can go **** themselves.

have you actually tried asking them to be quiet? I have a deep hatred for people who think just because they went to bed at 11 its OK to set an alarm that wakes everybody else up too. If you asked them to keep it down, then its clearly not your fault, and they're complete dicks. But if you didn't, well then YDI.

Call the by-law police as that is totally against the law.

Considering they are in Iran, you could probably own their virgin daughter and behead the head of the house hold. Not to mention a new camel...

FeroniaMoonscyth 2

35 - Would serve those asshole neighbors right!! >:D

I hate when people think they are the only ones that matter in the world :/

Oh man, the US is so going to invade Iran after this. You just don't **** around like this and get away with it.