By That Girl with the Amazon Parrot - 04/01/2014 07:21 - United States

Today, I was called by the counselor to discuss my "issues". She told me that other students had reported to her that they saw scars on my arms. I don't cut, I just have a hormonal and aggressive parrot who sees me as his personal tree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 290
You deserved it 4 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was in this exact situation once (except it was my dog). I'm sure people will understand (eventually). At least people care about you!

juststephhere 23

Maybe it's the parrot who needs counselling...


At least you know you're friends care about you :)

bring your parrot and give then she knows why

Aww. At least your classmates care enough.

Tell them you own a parrot and it walks on your arm. Oh my god, that would solve this MASSIVE issue you have to deal with. What is this gonna be, a 5-10 minute conversation at the most? First world problem. Your live is not "f*cked" by this. You basically just said "I'm not a suicidal person, I own a bird that claws my wrists and my friends are actually friends and reported something they thought was concerning to someone with the tools and knowledge to help me if I was going through actual problems" Man, how do you manage to wake up every day with a life so clearly in the dumps?

I use a screen reader and the first time I read this I thought it said "hormonal and aggressive parent"... yeah, anyway. On with life.