By That Girl with the Amazon Parrot - 04/01/2014 07:21 - United States

Today, I was called by the counselor to discuss my "issues". She told me that other students had reported to her that they saw scars on my arms. I don't cut, I just have a hormonal and aggressive parrot who sees me as his personal tree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 293
You deserved it 4 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was in this exact situation once (except it was my dog). I'm sure people will understand (eventually). At least people care about you!

juststephhere 23

Maybe it's the parrot who needs counselling...


Hard to convince the counselor of the story, but look at it another way, the other kids cared enough to say something to the school. That's what they should do. Good for them!

at least your classmates care enough to report it.

Grauncho 27

Fun fact: parrots consider regular petting to be foreplay. I wish I were making this up.

challan 19
caysters 12

My friend's dad has a bird, the bird loves him very much. They learned he was masturbating himself on his shoulder when they figured out what the spots were he kept leaving on his shoulder. Lol

Grauncho 27

Gloves with sleeves that are thick enough to prevent her claws from scratching you. Please get some. Hugs.

JMichael 25

I feel you OP. At my job I get lots of scratches and cuts on my forearm. It looks really bad most of the time.

martin8337 35

That's your story and your sticking to it. Or is it bye bye birdie?

Time to clip her nails. It will help a good deal.

My school wouldn't give less a shit about that kind of thing.