By That Girl with the Amazon Parrot - 04/01/2014 07:21 - United States

Today, I was called by the counselor to discuss my "issues". She told me that other students had reported to her that they saw scars on my arms. I don't cut, I just have a hormonal and aggressive parrot who sees me as his personal tree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 290
You deserved it 4 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was in this exact situation once (except it was my dog). I'm sure people will understand (eventually). At least people care about you!

juststephhere 23

Maybe it's the parrot who needs counselling...


dmklake 14

They care about you. i just hope they believe your explanation.

kellyem2 20

When we were little my parents were reported at our school because my brother had marks up and down his arms from playing with our cat. It can be really annoying to deal with at the time, but at least you can laugh it off. I'd hate for someone that really did have a problem not get help because people were afraid to speak up.

JokersHQ 21

I mean yeah it shows that people care but they should have asked you why your arm was like that before jumping to conclusions and giving you a headache.

My cat would slice my I know what you mean...

awww.. that's both painful and incredibly sweet

Did you tell the counsellor that? And if you did, did she/he even believe you?

I had this happen to me in high-school. I had a job working as a grill cook, and I was always accidentally brushing my forearm against the grill, and being that it was 500+ degrees the slightest touch is all you needed to make an ugly burn mark. Had to explain to my counselor that no I wasn't self-harming, unless you counted me being clumsy.

People need to mind their own damned business. For those saying "at least people care", bullshit. These people are probably just trying to cause trouble for the OP. And not everyone cuts for attention; most people who cut wouldn't want others to call them out for it. It's embarrassing and degrading.

We can't be sure people weren't trying to get OP in trouble, but it's just as likely as them caring. It's absolutely not bullshit. Self-harm is a serious issue; and letting people who suffer from it know that they can get help from those around them, is a great step. There are way too many people who would respond to self-harm scars by making teasing or rude remarks. And there are way too many schools and teachers who look the other way when students display problems like these. I fully agree that people should have spoken to the OP directly first to avoid this kind of misunderstanding, but that doesn't change the fact that bringing this issue to someone's attention is not a bad thing. Ignoring the fact that someone might be suffering from suicidal thoughts is just not the right thing to do. That, and there's the chance that the person /is/ doing it for attention. Which, you know, can be annoying but is not necessarily a bad thing. If someone suffering from depression cuts because they need to feel validated as a human being, showing them care can be helpful. Bottom line is there's no bullshit in people being worried about someone cutting. Unless the OP explicitly states that these people were trying to cause her trouble, I don't think that's very likely. And even if it had been in bad spirit, they might've accidentally helped a troubled person down the line. Not to mention I'd think that if they really wanted to embarrass OP, they probably would've announced it publicly instead of confiding in an adult. (Shit that turned out long, sorry.)

I had some people worrying about me too, and the culprit of the wounds on my arms was my cat (whom my parents refused to neuter at the time because they pitied his balls). So embarrassing, but at least I'm thankful people cared - even if for nothing!