By OptimusVader - 13/03/2013 13:36 - United States

Today, I was cleaning a house. While dusting a rickety nightstand, a drawer fell open and a light-up dildo fell out and turned on. I couldn't figure out how to turn it off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 802
You deserved it 4 776

OptimusVader tells us more.

Well I did mention it was rickety. It rocked while I dusted and it was just poorly made, overall. It tilted forward, the drawer slid out and I couldn't catch it in time. Then BAM! Sudden singing light show from an old woman's rabbit.

Top comments

perdix 29

Instead of you trying to turn it off, why don't you let it try to turn you on?

Quick! Hide it before they know you tampered with it! Butt, where?


Lol I honestly wonder what people think of other people when they find their sex toys hmmm...

who lets their maid in without locking up the sexy toys with the other valuables? most come with a draw string bag at the very least to keep nosy kids and clumsy cleaning staff out of your business. I'm sure they'd be as horrified as you were if they knew you had found it.

Noor, if you stuff the lighted ****** up your mouth and butt, I am somehow sure your boobs would turn into headlights and your pussy will show the brilliant guiding light like in a tunnel. Try it.

A drawer "fell open" and the ***** "fell out and turned on"? Yeah, okay.

If you lay hands on it you'll be able to shut it off, if you possess that kind of power.

yzzami 17

How does a drawer just fly open and a ***** fly out?

jarockstar27 10

Dont touch the thing!!! Who knows if they washed it after use!!!