By OptimusVader - 13/03/2013 13:36 - United States

Today, I was cleaning a house. While dusting a rickety nightstand, a drawer fell open and a light-up dildo fell out and turned on. I couldn't figure out how to turn it off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 802
You deserved it 4 776

OptimusVader tells us more.

Well I did mention it was rickety. It rocked while I dusted and it was just poorly made, overall. It tilted forward, the drawer slid out and I couldn't catch it in time. Then BAM! Sudden singing light show from an old woman's rabbit.

Top comments

perdix 29

Instead of you trying to turn it off, why don't you let it try to turn you on?

Quick! Hide it before they know you tampered with it! Butt, where?


You should have let the batteries wear out... butt that would be long, long day.

It's more of an fml if its your 12 year old daughters or something

I guess the nightstand wanted a one-night stand with you

Do you really expect us to believe the drawer "fell open" when you dusted it? Haha! Good one.

icepick23 12

Pretty it's not rocket science...

destisaurus 0

OkDaniel Drtymex Villanueva

Reminds me of a George Carlin rant about the Ten Commandments!

HarleyGal12 18

What the hell is the point of a light- up *****? Once it's inside, not like you can say anything

maybe the light makes it nice and warm inside your butthole