By Anonymous - 17/05/2009 13:48 - United States

Today, I was coaching a little league soccer game. I was telling one of my players to go cover another kid. I said "go cover the little yellow kid!" because he happened to be wearing a yellow shirt. He also happened to be Asian. I then got death stares from his family members. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 560
You deserved it 23 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHAHA. Oh mannn that's horrible...I don't think you deserve it though...thats a horrible coincidence.

manoverboard 0

My coach did that last season! We laughed the entire game...


kookoo831 0

um... no such thing as little leauge soccer, its only baseball... and YDI

ceinaworus 0

Ahahah be more careful next time. FYL

awesomelikethat 0

Lmfao!!! What I would have given to be there! That's funny shit!

man were not in the 60's people need to grow the **** up NOT everything is segregated or racist jeebus

oldred16 0

Hahaha that's to funny! It should be ok. It's a good story for a little league banquet.

cottoncandy23 5

Haha omg what a fail!!!!! XD

It's the lil gooks fault for wearing yellow and being yellow