By Anonymous - 17/05/2009 13:48 - United States

Today, I was coaching a little league soccer game. I was telling one of my players to go cover another kid. I said "go cover the little yellow kid!" because he happened to be wearing a yellow shirt. He also happened to be Asian. I then got death stares from his family members. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 560
You deserved it 23 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHAHA. Oh mannn that's horrible...I don't think you deserve it though...thats a horrible coincidence.

manoverboard 0

My coach did that last season! We laughed the entire game...


Awesome!! made my day! 131 you are an idiot!

srslyfucked 0

You're a little bit racist. Well, you're a little bit, too! We're both a little bit racist... Seriously, though, FYL.

That it total bull... if he was wearing a yellow shirt, then EVERYONE on his team would've been wearing a yellow shirt, so the only reason you would've said it would be because he was asian....

@13: Maybe because you are white. And Asians aren't really yellow.

l33tm0nk3y 0

Better choice of words would have been "the little kid **in yellow**"

ElectricLove 0

this is so one of my favourites !! FYL... but still soo funny! :)

bound4broadway28 0

awww im sorry! hahah that was great.

HAHAHAHAHAHA well, people aren't always so sensitive, so I guess he should get used to it. You didn't mean anything by it though, so I don't think you are at fault.

I can just see their faces now all scrunched up and pissed with a scowl on their faces

LinneaHall 0

Ahaha that's freaking awesome. I'm Asian and I think that's hilarious.