By ConstructionLady - 13/11/2012 06:49 - United States

Today, I was conducting a meeting regarding safety concerns on my field site. While I made a comment, a client rep yelled out that women don't know construction, and that I should be acting like a proper secretary and should get my boss. I'm the Construction Manager. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 727
You deserved it 2 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HeyArnold91 8

It always seems that women will be forever defending themselves in male dominated industries

Whenever I read an FML that includes this degree of stupidity and ignorance, I always think, "Please don't be in the US! Please don't be in the US,! Please don't be in th- **** it's in the US"


What a douchebag. You are obviously a very successful and intelligent women. Don't let some sexist moron make you think otherwise!

Client or not, kick his Neanderthal ass to the curb! (Ie remove his from the meeting and your client list). That is ridiculous.

Women: Apology accepted. Wait! (Sees your pic), apology rejected.

33 - that was so rude! You can't go around saying things like about people. You make it seem as though women judge people on their looks.

Have you seen your picture, 33? 'Cause you're not very attractive either. Not at all...

estes816 9

Says the man in the mullet wig.

she explained that it was the client rep that said this....

Oh no! The weaker sex speaks words! I must display my superior genital status and put her in her place! "Women is stupid. Haha." Nailed it.

Rocky007 15

A man would have fired him on the spot for insubordination.

As a man, if I were you as the boss, I would explain to the client rep who I was and that I'd be speaking directly with the client and that the rep is not to show up to anymore meetings. Then ask the client what they're doing about getting a new rep.

That's the right way to handle it right there. Professionally.

N aSorry but if you had shut the screen down he wouldn't see your personal info in a public place. But the guys still A whack job

gczizza1997 15

Wrong fml. That's the one before this

perdix 29

"And while you're up, would you be a dear and fetch me a coffee with milk and two sugars? Thanks, babe."

52- Hey buddy, did you note the quotation marks? Either understand punctuation usages or don't comment at all

jem970 19

That's Perdix. I have rarely seen him take it to far, this is NOT one of those times. He is very sarcastic. It's just how he is. He doesn't mean anything by it though :)