By Anonymous - 07/01/2012 02:22 - United States

Today, I was cooking with super hot ghost peppers. The package said "After handling them not to touch your eyes, nose or pets". They should've added "penis" to that list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 039
You deserved it 62 113

Same thing different taste

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I suppose op is the only person who uses the toilet. Who's to say he was cooking at that specific moment? Maybe he really had to go and pee. I don't know anyone who washes their hands prior to a bathroom visit, and the fact that he handled capsaicin probably just slipped his mind.

Well, really... I'm sorry, but you sound just as stupid as OP. If it says on the package you shouldn't touch eyes, nose, pets, etc. then you wash your hands (several times) after you handled the stuff that came from the package, no matter WHAT you do afterward, because you KNOW it's going to hurt if you don't, be it to go blow your nose, whack off, or go for a regular bathroom visit.

It doesn't actually come off very well through hand washing (unless you're willing to bleach your hands). I've done much the same thing at OP, although I scrubbed the hell out of my hands (quite aware of what chili hands do to the more sensitive parts of you, penis included) and merely thought that a combination of the loss of a layer of skin and a few hours passing would be enough. It was not. I wear gloves to chop chilis now...

You should ALWAYS wash your hands before AND after you are done cooking, and sometimes several times during the process depending on what you are making. If you're handling raw meat, wash your hands before moving on to the next stage of food preparation. If you're handling something that you don't want the volatile chemicals landing anywhere other than your mouth when you eat it, wear gloves. Etc.

justintwist 0

Dumbass every body knows not to touch sensitive body parts after handling spicy food, well everybody i know and plus y u thouchn your penis?

That sucks, but what's sad is should have use common sense ain't that hard to figure out

you're supposed to use gloves. but it still sucks

Khatar_fml 0

Spicy oils are like preparing to have sex... Always handle after wearing your glove