By Anonymous - 07/01/2012 02:22 - United States

Today, I was cooking with super hot ghost peppers. The package said "After handling them not to touch your eyes, nose or pets". They should've added "penis" to that list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 040
You deserved it 62 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ccspanthers89 4

Couldn't have connected the dots on this one?

You do realize that even just getting the juice on your hands and not washing them will actually cause the skin to blister? P.S. if you want to see someone eating a fresh one, blood red, straight off of the vine, then look up 'me eating a ghostpepper' by 'bronthing'. That's my brother eating one..

Well, judging by your comment, you are not a chef by trade. So I'm not worried about consuming food made by you. Enjoy your hot plate OP. Every time you eat, buy and cook peppers, you will never forget to wash your hands a few times before handling. I do suggest using medical disposable gloves next time.

Why don't you sue them for your own stupidity like everyone else? Ydi!!

This is why mainly the women should do the cooking.

Wasn't that kind of implied? wow you're a DumBasS

With you being as smart as you are, just in case you do it again. pour yourself a glass of milk and submerge your penis in it. No joke. PS. don't drink it after. :-)

YDI for not being more careful with your penis.

Have you ever heard of this thing called common sense? It can work miracles sometimes.