By ktorih137 - 14/05/2013 11:32 - Canada - Halifax

Today, I was dancing in the passenger seat of my car with my family when a cop pulled us over. He thought I was trying to flag him down for help. I guess I'm not as good of a dancer as I thought. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 508
You deserved it 13 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where you waving your hands in the air like you just didn't care? If so…that's why.


At least they did not call the EMT instead because they thought you were having a seizure ;) Was this a ticketable offense?

Guess you must have been a little over enthusiastic...

Tell him this joke see if he laughs "Knock knock" "Who's there?" "A Law" "A Law SUIT" Then give him the papers stating that ur suing him

olpally 32

No, #36, no!! Sue him for what? Doing his job? Gtfo.

#36- Wrong fml. You have the right to remain silent.

rg350dx 29

And for the sake of us all please exercise that right.

perdix 29

No one is as good a dancer as they think they are, except professional dancers who don't think they are as good as they really are! If only anyone could have a realistic assessment of their own dance skills!

Steve95401 49

So, you think you can dance? No, you really can't!

I'm trying to imagine the look on the cop's face when you told him you were actually dancing.

Was it Dudley Dooright? you nations most famous law enforcement professional

Dancing in a car is quite possibly just jerking your arms about isn't it? So... for a police officer/cop that would look bad.. I think.