By easrc - 08/09/2009 23:42 - United States

Today, I was doing laundry at college. There was a pile of clothes sitting on top of a dryer, but the dryer was empty so I used it. I came back to a note saying, "Don't touch my laundry, asshole" and a dryer filled with urine soaked laundry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 682
You deserved it 4 847

easrc tells us more.

I don't think you understand-the dryer was EMPTY with someone else's clean, dry laundry on top when I got there. I put my stuff in the the dryer and the idiot thought that I took his clothes out when in fact, it took him so long to get his stuff that SOMEONE ELSE took his clothes out, dried their own, AND took their own laundry out again. To all the people who agree that this is a real FML-Unfortunately the room doesn't have security cameras, but I narrowed it down to 3 possible people based on who I remember being in the hall at the time and the fact that it was mens clothing. The RA and the administration are currently investigating it-hopefully they make the culprit confess!

Top comments

No, that guy was an asshole. Even if you had touched it, Taking someone's stuff out of the dryer after the time is up and leaving it on top is standard practice, and he had no right to be ab asshole about it. If you leave your clothes over time, and you find them on top of the dryer, then thats life, and deal with it. At my school we do that for each other all the time. No one gets upset over it.

thats the nastiest thing eva-sorry dude...


He left it there when others needed it plus there are limited washers and dryers.

Pooks7 12

It's a rule of thumb where if there's a laundry basket on top of a machine, someone already has dibs and you can't use it. You deserved it.