By nerd - 18/06/2009 14:15 - Finland

Today, I was driving in my car when out of the corner of my eye I notice a car pulling up next to me trying to get past me. I speed up, so as not to let the car pass me. It took me a while before I noticed I was racing against the shadow of my own car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 322
You deserved it 76 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's a bit rude in the first place to not let someone pass you.

deja54 0

Why would you speed up to not let someone pass you? I hope someone runs you off the road next time you do this.


atomicmrpelly 2

Urggghhh it's because of twats like you that I have to pay through the roof for insurance! GETALIFE! Racing is not cool, it's dangerous! TWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWAT!

Why wouldn't you let another car pass you could cause an accident by speeding up.

screampillow 0

Thanks, #110! I get frustrated when I'm even on the highway on cruise control and try to pass someone, and they speed up! It's ridiculous. They think I'm personally insulting them or something. #165 is correct.

FYL6 0

Why WOULDN'T you let them pass you? Dick.

Why do people speed up when someone is trying to pass them? It's ******* illegal for one, and hey, maybe that person is in a ******* HURRY? "Look at that ******** who's late to work because he had to take his girlfriend to the hospital because she almost died! I'M NOT GONNA LET HIM PASS! HAHAHAHA!" (Made up, but entirely plausible situation) LET PEOPLE ******* PASS YOU!

Your a moron. There are people who will kill or severely injure you for that, just let those who drive faster get by, or you'll soon find out the hard way its really not worth it to be an ass.

A few years ago, a good friend of mine was passing a dickwad like you, but couldn't get over in time before ANOTHER dickwad like you decided to make a right turn head-on into my friend without looking. He can walk now. Barely. YDI and I hope you get your license revoked.

Bullshet 0

I really hate drivers like you. One of these days you'll end up in a high speed accident because you're ego is too inflated. Let people pass!