By kezbabes - 03/05/2014 18:15 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, I was driving my grandpa to the store because his car is in the shop. I was well within the speed limit, but he kept yelling at me for "speeding", then accused me of trying to give him a heart attack, and eventually pulled the e-brake, getting us rear-ended. He refuses to apologise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 119
You deserved it 3 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I gave my grandma a lift and she had an 'accident' in the passenger seat. I spent 2 hours cleaning up pee. Sell the car, buy a motorbike. Before it's too late.

sterling1113 15

Oh wow. That's really awful. My mom tried to do the same thing to me a couple years ago, luckily I stopped her before she actually pulled the E-brake. Hopefully you can talk him into taking responsibility for the damages. That sucks. :( FYL OP


Did the store happen to be a pharmacy?

I guess I don't need to ask how his car landed in the shop.

Put his grumpy old arse in a home.

This is why I drive vehicles with a foot operated Ebrake

I always panic when I drive with somebody who yells at or insults me about my driving, jerks the wheel when I don't even drift, etc. Happened to me in driver's ed, even though I was the best driver with the most experience there. Learned to drive I was 8, motorcycles when I was 13 (only took driver's ed for the insurance discount).

The e break doesn't work like that...