By Sedici - 18/12/2011 07:44 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 25/06/2016 09:02 - United States - Allen
By no, don't save me or nothing - 04/08/2013 16:53 - Canada - Woodstock
By kezbabes - 03/05/2014 18:15 - Ireland - Dublin
By _whyy_mee - 02/07/2015 18:00 - United States - Pittsburgh
Road rage
By Anonymous - 07/04/2024 00:00 - United States - Fredericksburg
By serveandprotectyeahright - 20/11/2010 14:00 - United States
Thanks dude!
By Megan - 11/07/2023 12:00
Creepypasta time
By Saw - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 26/10/2011 07:41 - United States
Stranger Danger!
By tried to help - 07/10/2019 00:01
Top comments
Stupid drivers
What do you expect of the elderly?
To be considerate of people in critical health, since it could just as easily be them.
Old people are just walking sticks about to die. They shouldn't be on the road.
Agreed, old people shouldn't be allowed to drive. They're dangerous -.-
I prefer to call them "Old Farts" haha
51- what about teenagers huh?? We can be classified as dangerous behind the wheel. Next time lay off the stereotypes please
Not all old people are bad drivers. But I do agree that most of them are less suitable for driving because of the many problems and complications that come with old age. This is why some countries/states have laws which require those over a certain age to take a proficiency test before they can resume driving.
My grandpa is the exact opposite. He drives a Lamborghini and kills the stereotype.
Which makes them bad drivers.
I get really annoyed really fast when it comes to stupid drivers. I've had one go 10mph in a 45mph zone, and about 75% of the people that do that are or look like they're over 65 years old.
Those old ******* create an image that all old people are grumpy and make everyone else as miserable as they are, as a matter of fact there are many nice old people out there!
Teenagers will probably improve. Fossils are only going to get worse.
"Teenagers will probably improve"? You want to compare teenagers ten years ago to now? If we stay at the rate we're 'improving'...
I simply wish to know, at what age would one be considered "old" and not allowed on the road?
Also, when said "old person" reaches said age I believe that they should have to take a test to see if they're in a state of good physical and mental health for driving
Sounds like my grandmother ..
how did you hear the context if what they said? did you stop to exchange insurance information? stopping would be counterproductive, so unless they phoned you, you just proved that you are more concerned for insurance information from someone who deserved it, than a not breathing four-year-old.
#233 I don't know how it is in the states. But in Canada once you reach age 65 you have to do a yearly vision and knowledge test. To make sure you are safe behind the wheel still
In ontario its once you hit 80.
I hope the child is okay.
Grammar Nazi incoming. In the fml isn't it supposed to be 'breathe'?
Sense. You sir make none of it.
^ lol same here
Serious grammar and punctuation Nazism.
Anyone who put he deserves it deserves to die...
I picture a horse and buggy, is that strange?
How in the world could OP end up in that position? Elderly couple must have ENHANCED LUNG CAPACITIES as well as SPITTING SKILLS OF DOOM
If they were parents or grandparents of that 4 year old and rushing him to the hospital, they would run people over to get there.
Did he make it?
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayDid (s)he make it?
25, why does it matter?
Why is there no syrup on my pancakes?
In the English language, when the gender of a person is unknown, it is gramatically correct to use masculine pronouns. Better than calling him an 'it'
You idiots are missing the point. The question was, "Did he make it?" Regardless of the use of the word, "He", you knew the question was about the child, no? Stop being a prick, and leave it be. Plus, it is a very common thing to call a person a "he" when you do not know the gender, regardless if "There are more women in the world than men."
132, That's a lot of kitchens
OP likely doesn't know if the patient survived. They'd only know if the child died on the way, or immediately after arriving at the hospital. Paramedics and EMTs job is to keep the patient alive until they arrive at the hospital, once hospital staff take over, the paramedics and EMTs leave to go on another call. In case my knowledge of the subject is tested; my sister is an EMT, and I've spent quite a bit of time in hospitals, I'm becoming a nurse.
Coming from my perspective as a 20+ year paramedic, I usually try to find out the outcome of all of my critical patients. My follow-up is paramount to my own quality assurance. It lets me know what the differential was and if I was on target. It allows me to gain more experience and insight in the event I have similar future calls. Also, lay off the kid, it is a normal, HUMAN characteristic to want to know if the child survived.
170, Since I doubt the elderly couple hindered the child's progress in hospital it really doesn't matter what happened after the arrival. People want to know if this pair of self involved assholes caused a death with their stupidity.
@ - 123 Actually, you can assume either gender pronoun, just as long as you remain consistent with what pronoun you are using to refer to the person.
25 stfu stupid troll
wow... is the kid okay? :O
I hope so too. Also people like that should not be driving on the road. Some people are so ignorant now.
I like how people ask these types of questions and expect op to answer.
212- it's not totally unheard of for OP's to comment on their FML's.
I'm all for it..I've had way to many close calls due to them not looking...
Totally agree!!
Personally, I think everyone should have to retake the driving test every five years or so. The further one gets from the time he/she passed the test, the more one seems to let slide.
#210 - I know your heart's in the right place, but that's just way too many trips to the DMV. That place is hell on Earth. Old people should though. For them it's not just a matter of carelessness, it's a matter of being physically incapable of being sharp in the head enough to handle driving.
You like to ask questions. Lol very well then, ask away lol ;)
Yes! Hell yes, kick the non-driving ******* off the road. I don't hate old people at all but for gods sake most of them cannot drive.
It makes sense! After all, you have to renew everything else. Such as first aid courses, health card numbers, your license plants, your passport, etc etc
Look at 221's pict. Quite obviously another mans semen on his chest.
Or at least be evaluated more often after a certain age
god damn !!! this is what service people get? trying to save peoples life and get scream att ??? REALLYY!?!
Screamed at, spit on, punched and kicked. Just another days work. We don't do this for the money or the glory (it doesn't exist). This is the price we pay keeping a lid on the garbage called the general public.
Agreed. And they will die in the back because you "Don't want to run people off the road".
Karma's a bitch.
Question, if the OP was in a rush, how was there time to stop for the stupid people??
It's possible he was near the hospital and they followed/came across him again. Either that or OP might have returned to explain the situation to them.
I've seen some psycho bastards in my time. If they get that pissed off it's not a surprise that they'd follow the vehicle and harass the driver once he got to the hospital. You really shouldn't underestimate the elderly.
The law requires that drives give right of way to emergency vehicles. Did you call law enforcement to take care of the non compliant driver? How did they manage to spit on you? I can't imagine that once they were out of the way you stopped to have a conversation with them.
That's what I was thinking. This FML just doesnt quite add up

I hope the child is okay.
& this is why I think the elderly should have to retake drivers Ed.